Unique travel cartoons give Traveling Boy another offbeat approach to travel THIS WEEK IN TRAVELING BOY: A special bridge in Holland by John Clayton Beverly Cohn's sizzling interview with the iconic Pat Boone Eric and Nancy Anderson's tour of Northern Italy Corinna Lothar's return to her former hometown of San Francisco Today Burbank, October 12, 2010 --- “When we decided to create the travel website Traveling Boy,” said Ed Boitano, one of the sites’ co-founders, “we wanted it to be unique in variety of ways. One of those, and one that we felt very strongly about, was the inclusion of a regular series of travel related cartoons. If you're new to our website, I urge you to click on our website (www.travelingboy.com).” Boitano said that the artist behind the drawings is also his co-founder of TBoy, Raoul Pascual. "It seems incredible that such a creative fellow as Raoul also spent time as a miner, of all things. Raoul loved comic books as a child. He had a collection of Batman, Superman, Flash, Spiderman and Harvey comics (if only he had preserved those comic books, he would be so much richer today). He was labeled the artist of the family and that was good and bad. Good for the ego, but bad for he was always given the task to draw the family pictures, Christmas cards, Birthday cards. It was so bad that one Christmas he was hoping to get lots of toys but instead everyone gave him something that had to do with art: paints, brushes, pencils, sketch books. By the time he was a teenager he was fascinated with the cartoons in MAD Magazine, especially by the movie and TV parodies by Mort Drucker. Raoul spent countless hours mimicking that style of caricature. That was the beginning of his career in art. From there he has branched out into art direction, stage design, political cartoons, corporate ID's, digital art and flash animation." Boitano added, that Pascual is, in addition, the techno wizard responsible for putting T-Boy on the web. As important as the drawings in any cartoon are, Boitano said that it is especially important to have someone who is not only “on the same page” as Pascual, “but is a talented writer who knows the equally clever words to put under those cartoons." Which is where Terry Cassel comes in. "Terry and I met years ago," said Boitano, "when we were assigned to work together, coincidentally, on a travel marketing project. Since then we’ve stayed in touch, periodically helping each other out on various entrepreneurial pursuits. Cassel writes about travel, sports, and politics, among other things, and Traveling Boy seemed like a perfect fit for his rascally, irreverent nature. Raoul and Terry, who met at a design firm where Raoul labored briefly, collaborated on another cartoon strip for a few years before they decided to give Traveling Boy their unique quirky take on things." The T-Boy website is, as one recent reader noted, “decidedly different from most of the offerings on the web, because it gives you new ideas about lots of well known places with an entirely different point of view." In keeping with that philosophy, Boitano pointed out favorite past blogs from the T-Boy archives: Colorful, Captivating, Charming China! Christmas In Zurich A Search for Hygge in Copenhagen| The Ballad of Dick & Liz The concept of Traveling Boy is best expressed in its Mission Statement that notes “our approach to travel is a personal and very subjective way of writing about destinations and travel themes. To do this,” says Boitano, “we have dozens of talented journalists and photographers who give their own unique perspective on things, people and places around the world. That’s why we call Traveling Boy ‘Discovering Roads Less Traveled.’"