Oscars 4

Oscars 4

No one will see your answers, except for you.

1 / 5

Name the Female actor who won a Best Supporting Oscar for portraying a Best Female Oscar winning actor.

2 / 5

Meryl Streep was dismissed from Boston College’s Drama Department due to her awkwardness on stage, but went on to receive 21 Academy Award nominations, winning thrice, and a record 34 Golden Globe Award nominations.

3 / 5

Before succumbing to cancer, this male actor appeared in only five Hollywood Films, yet each one received a Best Picture Oscar nomination. Clue: Meryl Steep was his partner, and both Streep and Al Pacino considered him to be their mentor.

4 / 5

Name the Hollywood Male Actor who won three Best Actor Oscars.

5 / 5

Name the second youngest person to win an Academy Award.

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The average score is 53%


Oscars 3

Oscar Trivia 3

No one will see your answers, except for you.

1 / 5

She was born Norma Jean Baker

2 / 5

Name the actor not born in London.

3 / 5

After the Nazi surrender during WW2, Audrey Hepburn moved to London, accepting a ballet scholarship to train as a prima ballerina.

4 / 5

Audrey Hepburn’s Breakfast at Tiffany's Little Black Dress was sold for a record sum of half a million U.S. Dollars (circa 1964.)

5 / 5

Name the first African-American female actor to win a Best Supporting Acting Oscar; but was not allowed to attend 1939’s Gone with the Wind’s premiere in Atlanta.

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The average score is 48%


Politics 2

Political Trivia 2

The US Capitol Building - the heart of political drama.

1 / 5

In 1918, three heavyweights of the Hollywood screen – Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, and Mary Pickford – promoted the sales of Liberty War Bonds for the World War 1 effort.

2 / 5

“Give Peace a Chance” was written and recorded by John Lennon & Yoko Ono during their ‘BED-IN’ campaign for Peace, held at Montreal’s The Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel in 1969. Name the celebrity who DID NOT sing along on the chorus.

3 / 5

Many actors used their fame to secure political office. Name the one who DID NOT.

4 / 5

Many sports figures’pedigrees led to political office. Name the one who DID NOT.

5 / 5

Name the American screenwriter who was blacklisted by Hollywood during the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), served eleven months in the federal penitentiary, but went on to win Academy Awards for Best Story for his uncredited work in two films.

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The average score is 62%


Politics 1


Democrat Sen. John Kennedy, left and Republican Vice President Richard Nixon, right, as they debated campaign issues at a Chicago television studio on Sept. 26, 1960. Moderator Howard K. Smith is at desk in center. It is considered one the greatest presidential debates in U.S. televised  history, where each candidate spoke clearly of their vision for the nation, without any personal attacks at one another.     (AP Photo).

1 / 5

True or False: The Democratic Party was founded in 1828

2 / 5

Name the U.S. State that does not allow all elections to be conducted entirely by mail.

3 / 5

The Republican party was founded in 1860 with the election of president Abraham Lincoln.

4 / 5

Name the first woman in the world to be democratically elected as president in multiparty, free and fair elections.

5 / 5

Name the World Leader who was NOT assassinated.

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The average score is 68%


Animal Expert 3

Animal Behavior 3

  • Do Horses sleep while standing up?
  • How can you tell if your pet dog is dreaming?
  • Can Camels go without water for over a month?
  • Do Panda Bears sleep the longest of all animal species?
  • Is the Yakima Yellow Tail the most poisonous critter on earth?

As noted above: No one will see your answers, except for you. And all winners, not suckers and losers, will be awarded prices. And this will be on an honor system; so good luck with that. --- The T-Boy Staff

1 / 8

Horses sleep while standing up due to survival?

2 / 8

What is the most poisonous animal in the world?

3 / 8

Which animal laughs when it's tickled?

4 / 8

A giant panda eats up to 84 pounds in a day.

5 / 8

What's the first thing a caterpillar eats after it hatches?

6 / 8

What is the slowest animal in the world?

7 / 8

How many times does a woodpecker peck wood per second?

8 / 8

The Winner of the Game Will Receive this Prize.

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The average score is 46%


Animal Expert 2

Animal Behavior 2

  • Is the Giant Rat  invisible when seen in infrared cameras?
  • Is it true that we call a group of kangaroos a “Kangaroo Court?”
  • Did Winston Churchill say something alarming, which caused Richard Burton to throw his MBE back into Queen Elizabeth Number Two’s face?
  • How much wood does a woodpecker chuck wood per second?
  • Did the Scottish poet, Robert Bryne, write the poem, “Howl.”

And remember, no one will see your answers, except for you. --- T-Boy Staff

1 / 7

What do you call a group of kangaroos?

2 / 7

What is a group of flamingos called?

3 / 7

A cheetah can run up to 100 miles per hour.

4 / 7

Which animal's front teeth never stop growing?

5 / 7

Camels can go without water for over a week.

6 / 7

When Richard Burton was awarded MBE why did he return it to Queen Elizabeth Number Two?

7 / 7

Name the writer how wrote the poem, Howl?

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The average score is 34%


Are You An Animal Expert? 1

Animals 1

  1. Are pigs smart enough to play video games?
  2. Name the most intelligent animal in the world.
  3. Do elephants never forget?
  4. Is the Grandview rattlesnakethe most venomous snake on earth?
  5. in The Beatle song, “Martha My Dear,” is “Bungalow Bill’s Mother,” a code name for“Martha?”

No one will see your answers, except for you.

--- The T-Boy Staff

1 / 10

Why do otters hold hands in water?

2 / 10

Name the species below, who are smart enough to play simple video games?

3 / 10

Name the most intelligent animal in the world

4 / 10

Which animal has the longest migration route?

5 / 10

Which dog has the highest IQ?

6 / 10

(Dedicated to T-Boy’s Emperor of Oldies) What is the most venomous snake in the world?

7 / 10

In the Lennon and McCartney composition, Martha My Dear, who is Martha?

8 / 10

How many years can a snail sleep for?

9 / 10

Which animal is invisible when seen in infrared cameras?

10 / 10

Which animal has the longest lifespan among mammals?

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The average score is 43%


How do we use water?

How do we use water?

Are we using water wisely?

1 / 5

What is the leading manner in which fresh water is used.

2 / 5

What nation consumes the most water per capita worldwide as of 2021, (in cubic meters per inhabitant)

3 / 5

What nation consumes the most bottled water per capita

4 / 5

Which non polar nation has the most glaciers?

5 / 5

What nation consumes the most tea per capita?

Your score is

The average score is 20%


Global Water Trivia 5

You drink it every day. You bathe with it. You can’t live without it … but how well do you know your H2O?


Global Water Quiz

Things you didn't know about water

Go with your gut.

1 / 3

Water covers about 71% of the earth's surface.

Having fun?

Think in terms of ice sheets.

2 / 3

What area of the world has the second most glaciers?

Betcha can't get the next question.

Think hard. Do we have access to all the water in the world?

3 / 3

Only three percent of Earth's fresh water can be used as drinking water.

Do you feel you're getting smarter?

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Trivia 7??

Come on and play Traveling Boy’s Trivia Game. Only you will see the results.

Trivia 8: How clean are we?
