Home Raoul's TGIF A Really Bad Day

A Really Bad Day

Raoul’s Two Cents: January 31, 2025

Another interesting week went by. I had meaningful conversations with friends from all over the world. It was as if I was walking in a maze of thought waves and somehow friends decided to link to my frequency at the same time. The internet sure has changed how we are all so accessible to each other. Does this ever happen to you?

I’m wondering if this is what it will be like when we are in heaven. But instead of typing, texting, sending and receiving our thoughts will zip to and fro at dazzling speed in a never-ending sharing of ideas culminating in our awe of almighty God. It’s fascinating what it will be to exist in the spiritual dimension.

I’m studying the book of Hebrews now and it talks a lot about the spiritual world. in the last line of Chapter 1, the author talks about angels and he poses a rhetorical question: “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?”

I thought about that for some time. Many people are so awed by the supernatural powers of angels that they even pray to them. Nope! I don’t think they should do that because in this verse it clearly states that angels exist to serve us — angels are not the boss of us … WE are the boss of them! And who do they serve? Not just anyone but “those who will be saved.” So if we follow that train of thought, if we ever experience help from an angel can we assume we are saved? As long as we truly accept Christ, the angel helping us, is just the icing in the cake. Why would they waste their time on those who aren’t saved? What do you think?

In every incident in scripture that I recall, the angels appear to deliver God’s message, to engage in spiritual battles for us … indeed they are here to SERVE us. In Genesis, two angels even protected Lot (Abraham’s nephew) in a very dramatic way:

Lot and his family escape from Sodom and Gomorrah

Yup! Although they may be more powerful than us, they are our allies in the spiritual world. In 1 Corinthians 6:2-3, the Apostle Paul said; “Do you not know that we are to judge angels?” So who da boss? WE da boss!

Pardon me, if you never studied scripture, you must be wondering if I’ve lost my cuckoo with my jabbering about angels and stuff. This is a normal exercise for me and countless other believers. We like to dissect Bible verses and discover hidden truths. It’s like opening clam shells to discover the pearls inside. This brings us joy and meaning in life. You should try it. But this is just me. Enough said.

TGIF people! May God bless you this weekend. Open your eyes! Angels may come to help you without you even recognizing them.

“Angels are the messengers of hope, delivering messages of encouragement and reminding us to never give up.” — Gabriele Bernstein

“Angels remind us that we are never alone, and that the love of the divine is always surrounding us.” — Wayne Dyer

“No, I never saw an angel, but it is irrelevant whether I saw one or not. I feel their presence around me.” — Paulo Coelho

“I think my guardian angel drinks.” — Anonymous

Thanks to Norm of Encino, CA

Original art by Raoul Pascual.

Thanks to Brett from Nashville

Thanks to Colleen of Washington State
Slim Jim for Vegans

Thanks to Doreen of Alberta, Canada

Thanks to Norm of Encino, CA

Thanks to Joanne of Hacienda Heights, CA

Thanks to Drew of Anaheim, CA

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

I found these:

My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with these.


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  1. Larry

    February 3, 2025 at 10:55 pm

    Spiritual beings are not to be confused with the temporal beings. Yes, we are served by angels. People think of the baseball team. People in ordinary life don’t study the Bible the way we do.

    You know from the verses I send to you, that Bible Study is a major part of my life. I know it is also the same for you.

    Too many people are simple church goers and not students of scripture. That’s the way it is. I think television evangelists did a great disservice to our country and community.

    We should not just listen, but read the Good Book.



  2. Ed

    February 3, 2025 at 10:56 pm

    “I think my guardian angel drinks.” — Anonymous

    Many winners…. And, as always, great illustrations


  3. Tom

    February 3, 2025 at 10:56 pm

    Enjoyed your comments on Angels. Still vacating fire . My home suffered some damage to roof but otherwise still there but no occupancy permitted or gas, electric or water running.

    Tis a tragedy to others in Altadena and sections of Pasadena ,Sierra Madre and Pacific Palisades etc.

    Take Care and thanks for keeping us smiling. Tom of Pasadena


  4. Oscar

    February 3, 2025 at 10:58 pm

    TGIF Bus Driver. ;-D

    Awesome about the angels you wrote. Yes, I believe in God’s angels. O believe they’re protecting me and have been before I even knew it.


  5. Lee

    February 7, 2025 at 1:51 pm

    Some heavy stuff in there today Raoul. Good thinking about the reality around us that we do not see, but sometimes sense in powerful ways. God has a remarkable way (ways?) to show that he does not abandon us in our hour (year?) of need.



  6. Hilda

    February 7, 2025 at 1:52 pm

    Great parting shots! Have a great Weekend!


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