Raoul’s Two Cents: February 28, 2025
Time Waits for No One
WARNING: Unplanned spiritual topic at the end. Move on to the jokes if you’re not interested please.
I am preparing this TGIF edition early Thursday morning. It’s gonna be a wild ride of activities today — a perfect storm of appointments starting at 8 am. FYI, if I can help it, I free myself of any commitment on Thursdays to allow time for me to prepare for these email blasts. Today, somehow, the world didn’t get my memo.
Come to think of it, I’ve always been rushing for something. I remember my aunt (Mama Lou) and my HS classmate asking me the same question: “What are you up to this time?” — as if they’ve been studying a monkey in a scientific experiment. I’m no stranger to busyness and deadlines. You can say I’ve trained myself to do things fast. I sketch fast, paint fast, analyze situations fast … (gulp!) drive fast?! I hate to waste time. I multi-task when I’m cooking, I clean the dishes, feed the dogs, clean the countertops, answer texts, etc. Please tell me you do the same things so I don’t feel weird.
Oh, but there are things I can’t help but do slow: I eat slow (ever since I was a kid), understand complex ideas (like mathematical problems) slow, read slow and especially now (as I get older) I walk slow.
When I’m finally retired what will it be like? Will time stand still? What if I lose control of my faculties? What if I can’t write or draw anymore? What if I turn into a 600 pound quadriplegic gorilla and can’t move anymore? I hope and pray that I will still be able to communicate. I remember when my Dad was near his death, he could hardly see and could not hear. I couldn’t share the gospel anymore. (Please Lord, don’t let me become a vegetable and become a burden to anyone.). If that ever happens to me, pull the plug! PULL THE PLUG!
There’s always a party going on in my mind — there’s always music in my head, always a linear plan of activities. It’s as if I’m rehearsing what I would do when I get to my next destination. Again, I hate wasting time because there’s so much I can do and so little time to do them. I’m the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland! Is this you too?
I just heard that Gene Hackman (an actor my wife and I liked) was found dead with his wife and pet dog yesterday. No foul play is suspected. Although it seems to me it was intentional. I mean, what are the chances, right? — wife and dog … same time … can’t be a coincidence. Did he feel irrelevant? Did he lose his purpose? How sad. I hope I’m wrong but didn’t anyone share the gospel with you, Gene? You could have influenced so many people … helped so many think beyond themselves. Time’s up, Gene. Alas poor Gene, I wish I knew thee well. Thanks for the exciting movie portrayals. May you and your wife rest in peace.
Gotta go. Gotta prepare for the day. Please hear the gospel before you run out of time.
Of course, this is just me. TGIF people!
I leave you with the lyrics of the song by the Friends of Distinction. (The Rolling Stones also have a song with the same title but I like the FD’s version better):
Time waits for no one
And nobody gets away
There’s no exception
We all got our dues to pay
And it’s as sure as all the stars up above
If we don’t hurry up we’re gonna lose our love
Time waits for no one
And we’re running out of time
Some people blow it
They wake up when it’s too late
Don’t say tomorrow
The clock on the wall won’t wait
It won’t slow down,
it just keeps movin’ so fast
While you talk about the future,
it’s becomin’ the past
Time waits for no one
And we’re running out of time
Running, running, running, running
So take me now and love me right on the spot
We gotta make the most of every minute we’ve got
Time waits for no one
And we’re running out of time
Time waits for no one…
“One day, you’re 17 and you’re planning for someday. And then quietly, without you ever really noticing, someday is today. And then someday is yesterday. And this is your life.’ — John Green
“Time moves slowly but passes quickly.” — Alice Walker
“Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its brevity.” — Jean de La Bruyère
“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” — Mark 1:15
Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Original art by Raoul Pascual.
Parting Shots
Thanks to Chuck of Whittier, CA

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Thanks to Kurt of Wisconsin

Thanks to Norm of Encino, CA

Thanks to Joanne of Hacienda Heights, CA

Thanks to Drew of Anaheim, CA

Thanks to Richard of New Manila, Philippines

I found these:

My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with these.

March 2, 2025 at 1:47 am
Time is short for us all. I received a text last night that said a friend of mine, Dennis Clark probably had a stroke. He’s a sweet man. A member of my Bible study. He uses a cane and always thanks me for the Bible verses, I send him.
We all are getting slower and creakier and more deficient, but our eyes and ears can be more receptive to the Gospel.
When we were young, we took our lives for granted. Believing we were in control.
No. Your father’s passing and the family dynamic shows who is in control. We thank the Lord for all his blessings. We pray 🙏 for all to find peace in Jesus Christ.
March 2, 2025 at 1:48 am
Good morning Raoul.
2B or not 2B. ;-D
March 2, 2025 at 1:49 am
I am so grateful for my parents and siblings. The sad thing is I’ve outlived all of them but my memories keep me going.
March 2, 2025 at 1:50 am
Thanks Raoul. Great Ponderings in this issue.
Your experience with time and the things that we try to examine sounds very familiar to me.
Faith is the Key Component and should never be left out of our lives.
To ignore it is true folly.
Take care and keep yourself and all of us SMILLING.
TOM of Pasadena. Enjoy this great weather.
March 2, 2025 at 1:51 am
I enjoyed today’s newsletter— lots of food for thought.
Did you notice in the picture of the church marquee that the name of the town is “Effing, SC”?
March 2, 2025 at 2:04 am
Glad you liked the newsletter.
I know your body’s slowing you down but I just have to ask: Are you using your time wisely?
No need to respond. I just want to challenge you to do more. Why do you think He’s keeping you around us a little longer?
And no, I didn’t see that “effing sc”
Btw, you might want to read the comments to last week’s TGIF that I posted in Travelingboy.com
Have an amazing weekend Lois.
March 2, 2025 at 2:05 am
Are you kidding? I’m the most active 94-year-old you’ll ever find. I try to walk at least 3,500 steps a day. On the cruise, I exceeded that every day — one day over 8,000 steps. After we returned from the cruise, we had one day to do laundry and repack for a four-day trip to Bellevue, Washington, for a Bluegrass festival, which involved more walking. I do use a walker because of all my back pain. Don’t know if I ever told you about the wires inserted in my back for a device I wear that’s supposed to stop the pain. It helps a little, but I’m in constant pain when I’m upright. The good news is that I have no pain while sitting or lying down. I do begin each day with Oxycodone, which is helpful. I’ve also found that CBD oil does some good. I’ve had many back surgeries and have a load of metal in my back, as well as two knee replacements and a shoulder replacement (the airport scanner goes wild). I work on cards, write stories, and socialize, and I’m still called on regularly to edit. I’m so busy that I’d get behind in my favorite TV shows if it weren’t for the fact that I have the shows on when I do my daily exercises. In answer to your question, yes, I think I’m using my time wisely. Oh, and I do end each day with a conversation with God. Raoul, I really appreciate your concern.
March 2, 2025 at 2:06 am
I had no idea you were that active. You should be a poster child for Senior Citizens Weekly.
Keep up the good work.
March 2, 2025 at 1:58 am
Liked what u said about time — “Heaven on earth.”
Yeah. I get that.
So you’re not a procrastinator.
I can see that. I can see how well your parents raised you.
Tgif Heather.
March 2, 2025 at 2:00 am
I am so grateful for my parents and siblings. The sad thing is I’ve outlived all of them but my memories keep me going.
March 4, 2025 at 5:59 pm
About Gene Hackman..If they decided to die together, maybe they will be in the same room..[but different] parts [of the] house ..taking a new twist
March 4, 2025 at 6:00 pm
I appreciate you my friend. It was a pleasure reading your insights and I loved the funnies!!!
March 4, 2025 at 6:05 pm
Trivia-did u know that the founder of Uber lived in Northridge & attended granada hills high where my daughters also went to school?
March 4, 2025 at 6:06 pm
Thanks, Raoul … nice write up (I almost said homily … :-)) Chat soon.