Home Raoul's TGIF Brilliant Procrastination

Brilliant Procrastination

Raoul’s Two Cents: March 14, 2025

I blame my wife. She brought our two corgis into my life even when I told her I didn’t want to have another dog.

“It’ll be good because walking the dog will force you to exercise,” she said.

“No! I know what happened the last time,” I retorted. “You and the kids wanted a dog and I agreed as long as you guys would take care of it. Well, you know I was the one who was left caring for it. And I was the one who was heart broken. So the answer is NO!”

Of course she already made up her mind. Asking me permission was just a formality. She already purchased Tonka, an expensive corgi. And of course she later got Tinker (another corgi) to keep Tonka company. And of course, I’m the one who takes care of them (most of the time). And of course I’m going to bawl my eyes off when they hit the expiration date. I just know it!

Tonka is the independent one. He’s the escape artist. He can tell when there’s a lag in his leash and he knows how to jerk out of it. But even though I’m cursing high heavens and running after him, you can’t help but laugh because of his bouncing cotton-like butt. And it gets especially comical because Tinker will run after him barking at him to stop the uprising. And behind the two of them there I am — a white-haired old fogey holding on to his loose jogging pants with his left hand and trying to lasso Tonka with his right hand. I’d do a selfie and post this scene if I could only grow a third hand.

It’s very amusing that Tonka raises one of his hind legs to pee. Why do male dogs do that? And whenever Tonka is done pooping (and I scoop down to bag the stinky debris) Tonka digs out a dust storm with her hind legs to cover the evidence.

Tinker is more ladylike and she demurely squats as low as she can to pee. And whether she hunches over to poop or pee, she glances up at me as if to say, “ain’t I great? I did it!” In fact, both of them compete to prove they can “do it!”After they drop off their “contribution to mankind,” they rush to the refrigerator for their treat. I usually give them a leaf of lettuce. Yes, our dogs are herbivores. They unashamedly love vegetables.

You’ve heard of puppy eyes, right? Tinker is the expert in that department. She knows how to pull my heartstrings. I have to resist her spell to avoid giving her too much vegetable treats. Of course those eyes are there again when I’m eating, watching TV or just walking. She aims to please so she always checks if I approve. She’s always in the lookout for danger and she barks out nonstop deafening warnings (groan!). She doesn’t really need a leash. She may wander far but she always returns to her Dad.

The reason I decided to talk about this today is because I had a sad dream the other night. I dreamed that our corgis escaped from our imaginary fenced farm. I left them in our yard to play but when I went back out to bring them inside, they were gone. I didn’t realize how sad I would be to lose them.

I’m sure you guys with pets know exactly what I’m talking about. And I betcha you’re gonna cry like a baby when their time comes. But, as Alfred Lord Tennyson said: “It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” The pain will be real but that’s the price of the countless joys (and frustrations) during their lifetime. It’s practice time for our relationship with people. Do we avoid getting involved with their lives just because of the hurt that will come? I hope not. Besides, it’s good to exercise our heart muscles so we know we have that capacity to love someone other than ourselves.

All this talk about puppy eyes reminds me of the movie scene where Doctor Doolittle sings a sad goodbye to a baby seal just before he releases him to the sea. (See below.)

TGIF people! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day on Monday!

When I look in your eyes
by Anthony Newley

When I look in your eyes
I see the wisdom of the world in your eyes
I see the sadness of a thousand goodbyes
When I look in your eyes.

And it is no surprise
To see the softness of the moon in your eyes
And the gentle sparkle of the stars in the skies
When I look in your eyes.

In your eyes
I see the deepness of the sea.
I see the deepness of the love …
The love I feel you feel for me.

[Verse 2]
Autumn comes, summer dies,
I see the passing of the years in your eyes.
And when we part there’ll be no tears, no goodbyes.
I’ll just look into your eyes

Those eyes, so wise
So warm, so real
How I love the world your eyes reveal.

“There is no remedy for love but to love more.” — Henry David Thoreau

“A dog is the only thing in the world that loves you more than he loves himself.” — Josh Billings

“Do not just try to help yourself. Do not be proud. Instead, respect other people. Think about other people as more important than yourself.” — Philippians 2:3

“Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.” — Romans 13:8

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Original art by Raoul Pascual.

Thanks to Colleen of Washington State

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Thanks to Norm of Encino, CA

Thanks to Jose of San Diego, CA

Thanks to Joanne of Hacienda Heights, CA

Thanks to Drew of Anaheim, CA

I found these:

My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with these.


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  1. Heather

    March 14, 2025 at 6:18 pm

    Dogs are the gifts that keeps on giving, whether you paid big bucks or it was a rescue it’s all the same. All they do is love you and when you look in their eyes it’s like a bottomless pit of love. They would kill for you if they had to and lots of guard dogs have done that for their masters.


  2. Larry

    March 14, 2025 at 6:19 pm


    I am sure I told you about Patches. He was half standard poodle and half Comodor (Hungarian Sheep Dog). He was my 10th birthday present. We got him at a place called Orphans of the Storm.

    He was very wild before he was fixed. He would run away from our backyard and we would have to find him. He got a neighbor’s dog pregnant and we had to pay for the puppies.

    After my parent’s divorce, he was fixed and my mom and I lived in a condo in rural Illinois. He was my only friend. I had no friends in high school. I played tennis and met people, but really, he was my only friend.

    When my mom decided we were going to move to California, Patches had to be put to sleep. He was taken to Orphans of the Storm. They didn’t want to do it, because he was still healthy, but my mom got them to do it.

    My last memory of Patches was of him sitting in the back seat of my Mom’s Chevy Nova.

    I don’t have a really uplifting or funny end to this email. Feeling sad as I write about it. RIP 🪦 Patches.



  3. Tom

    March 14, 2025 at 11:35 pm

    Thanks Raoul! Loved the dog story along with splendid Artistic endeavor. I’m so thrilled to hear and see less Political Advertising
    Tom of Pasadena


  4. Ed

    March 14, 2025 at 11:36 pm

    I was wondering what would lead to this:

    “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.” — Romans 13:

    I was going to contact you earlier, but was Procrastinating…

    great jokes and illustrations.

    I still haven’t got over the loss of Cedric and Delphine.

    happy early st. paddys…
    I plan on being sober…


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