Home World Travel Take a Trip With Traveling Boy

Take a Trip With Traveling Boy

Traveling Boy is world renowned, for taking their readers to distant corners of our planet.

Their reader response feels unsurpassed: who knew that the White Continent of Antarctica consists of 98% solid sheet ice; the Prophet Moses had two wives; Hadrian’s Wall stretched from sea-to-sea in Northern England; Polar Bears actively hunt humans in the Arctic Circle.

There’s always suggestions for multi-generational family vacations, deals for budget travel and adventure-themed trips to distant locations: Machu Picchu, Buddhist Temples in Cambodia and ancient sites in Egypt. The Philippines is blessed with 7,641 islands, and be there to celebrate the Anniversary of
the Fall of the Berlin Wall.

The main enduring attribute of Traveling Boy: their staff of writers deliver original content, not found anywhere else on the globe.

T-Boy photographer, Deb Roskamp, places readers in the present and the past: Henry the 8th’s Hampton Court, Red Sguare in Moscow and, inches away, from Gorillas in Uganda.

Their staff of writers work with professional PR teams, and share facts and stats: the Maya sacrificed to their Gods, the winner of ancient rubber ball basketball game, King Louis the 14th had never bathed and 90% of the entire population of the Western Hemisphere perished from European diseases.

Yet, it’s not all grim: film reviews, trivia games and T-Boy ‘toons by Raoul and Terry.

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