Raoul’s Two Cents: March 21, 2025
Politics Then and Now
WARNING: Obviously a political topic. Please move on to the jokes if this isn’t “your thing.”
I used to wonder why people blindly followed the prodding of the Pharisees and the chief priests. After all the miracles that Jesus performed, the teaching and the compassion he displayed … why did the crowd cry out for Jesus’ crucifixion. But the more I compare the politics of today with the politics during Jesus’ time, the more I understand the dynamics of what went on in the first century.
Today we’re seeing the unraveling of censored data and testimonies that authenticate the claims of our favorite conspiracy theorists. Just recently they opened up the Pandora’s box of the JFK assassination. Investigators are still rummaging through the mountain of evidence but for now more and more evidence is coming out to prove that Lee Harvey Oswald was just the fall guy of the deep state. Currently there are reports of other shenanigans. The January 6 insurrection was manipulated by high government officials and the FBI. The former president was already in La La Land and the White House staff and the press lied to us. (They’re still doing it!) The infamous spoiled First Brat really owned that laptop. Celebrities were paid millions to endorse certain candidates. Bank records easily trace the illegal “donations” for political favors. I could ramble on but you know what I mean. Despite all the evidence why are we still divided in our politics? I don’t think it’s because we’re waiting for the final verdict on what is true. Just like the OJ Simpson triaI, our worldview will decide what we want to believe.
More than point fingers, I’m interested in understanding the flaws of human nature which explain the repetition of the characters in the Gospel.
- The religious leaders are today’s power-hungry hypocritical politicians.
- The noisy clueless manipulated mob are today’s self-righteous demonstrators who destroy property. It’s interesting that these Tesla destroyers hate Elon Musk for exposing corruption. And their illogical reasoning thinks they’re hurting MAGA owners while (I think) most of the Teslas belong to green revolution liberals.
- The abusive Roman guards are today’s ex-FBI operatives who followed blindly.
- The guards who were instructed to lie about the resurrected body of Christ are today’s mainstream media.
- The traitor Judas (who realized he was guilty) is Lindy Li (the former Democrat Fund raiser who is spilling the beans about the party she defended her whole life).
Except for the Satanists and powerful evil men (and women), most of us would like to think that we’re on the good side. Of course we have a string of reasons to justify our stand. But how can we really know we’re fighting for the right cause?
If I may, here’s my checklist to determine if we/you have the personality to be on the wrong side:
- Are you stubborn? Do you reject other points of views? Do you dare not even listen?
- Do you name call? When you cannot defend your beliefs, do you start to label people to distract away from the issues?
- Is your family or loved one’s lifestyle the primary reason for changing your moral values?
- Is your value system shaped by someone you respect? ie. you’re too lazy to do the research and allow others to give you your marching orders?
- Are you concerned more about your reputation (what will people think?) rather than what is true?
- Have you ever admitted to your mistakes? Do you fear people laughing at your wrong choices? Would you rather die than admit defeat?
This is certainly not an extensive list. I’m pretty sure I may have offended some of you but there is no joy in doing that. Some things just need to be said or people will hide their valuable insights under the rug instead of learning from each other.
Have you heard of a “culture of disingenuousness?” It’s also called the “spiral of dishonesty.” It’s a situation where nobody wants to be honest, leading everyone to do what they don’t want. Let’s not lead our society towards that direction — fearful of retaliation rather than encouraging honest dialogues that lead to mutual success.
But this is just me. TGIF people!
“It is discouraging how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.” — Anonymous
“Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.” — Anonymous
“Honesty is one part of eloquence. We persuade others by being in earnest ourselves.” — William Hazlitt
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient; bearing with one another in love.” — Ephesians 4: 2-3
Thanks to Maling of New Manila, Philippines

Parting Shots
Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Thanks to Norm of Encino, CA

Thanks to Joanne of Hacienda Heights, CA

Thanks to Drew of Anaheim, CA

I found these:

My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with these.

Got any good jokes? Come share it with rest of us!
Know someone who enjoys a laugh? Share this email.
March 21, 2025 at 5:32 pm
You ventured into a very dangerous area. The political system is rife with corruption and incompetence. We know that.
People want simple answers. They don’t want debate or discussion or thoughtful words. They want solutions. Without debate or thought.
Jesus was a figure who knew this. He knew everything about the human condition. It’s why he was mocked and ridiculed and ultimately crucified.
As I watch the world scene and the wars and tariffs and bickering and fighting, I long for the peace of my Bible. Not every verse is sunshine and love, we have sin and wrath and the devil.
But ultimately we have Jesus. The forgiver of sin and redemption through his blood on the cross.
March 21, 2025 at 5:33 pm
I think your political rant was too much for Tboy. Perhaps keep it more uplifting for readers. It did not put a smile on my face
I enjoyed; as always, the jokes and illustrations.
March 21, 2025 at 5:35 pm
You may be right. It was pretty strong. Sorry about that.
I only had a few hours to write it last night. I couldn’t think of anything else to talk about.
I’ll remember your advice and try to do better.
March 21, 2025 at 5:33 pm
Thanks Raoul..
March 21, 2025 at 10:42 pm
Great intro. it is amazing as to the corruption and false evidence people will take when on Political Party testifies or omits.
You do a great job in exposing it.
Thanks and Gosh Bless. Tom