It's always a good time for a boat ride on one of
Amsterdam's 165 canals.
Photo by Ed Boitano
by Ringo Boitano
"I want to get to the point where people
say of my work that man feels deeply." - Vincent Van Gogh
the Great modeled St. Petersburg after Amsterdam, itself one of the
great planned cities of Europe. He traveled there in 1698, studying
its layout, learning the craft of ship building, even pounding nails
alongside Dutch workers at the world's largest shipyard. It was part
of the czar's plan to modernize Russia and make his new Baltic capital
a window to the west. His selection of Amsterdam was well chosen. Not
only were both cities built on marshes, but Amsterdam was, and still
remains, one of the most advanced and forward thinking cities in the
Back Story
Located in the Netherlands, Amsterdam began as a small
13th century fishing village on the mouth of the Amstel River. Much
of the city is below sea level and would flood if not for a network
of dykes. The city rapidly expanded to a major sea trading center, and
by the 17th century became the center of a massive world empire. This
period, known as the Dutch Golden Age, saw the building of stunning
canals and opulent gable homes. Amsterdam was hit hard by military occupations,
but rebounded after WW11 and entered the modern age with one of the
world's strongest economies.

Beautiful 17th century canal houses line the canal.
Photo courtesy of The Netherlands Board of Tourism
Hedonism or Tolerance
Say Amsterdam to most Americans and you are met with
questions regarding the Red Light District and coffee houses, where the
use of cannabis is technically not legal, but openly tolerated. This
world does exist, but it is only a small part of the city. Amsterdam
has a long tradition of social tolerance. Due to its importance as a
merchant center, traders from all over the globe brought not just goods,
but other viewpoints and cultures into the city. In the 18th century,
when the Dutch Reformed Church was the state religion, Catholicism and
Judaism were tolerated. Not so secret Catholic attic churches existed,
and Jewish refugees poured into the city. The motto "No one should be
harmed by the actions of others" is a defining characteristic of the
Amsterdammer. The city today has a large gay and lesbian population,
and seemingly reaches out to all outsiders. The untranslatable word
gedogen refers to the Dutch practice of turning a blind eye to things
which are officially illegal but tolerated, such as soft drugs and
euthanasia. Sadly, there are those who are attempting to redefine the
word to mean "anything goes.' Since the murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo
van Gogh in Amsterdam on Nov. 2, 2004, tension has erupted over radical
Muslim immigrants in The Netherlands. The beating of one's wife and
practicing a doctrine of hate is the exact opposite of gedogen, and the
Dutch politicians and police are taking a hard stance to counter it.
Getting Around
Amsterdam is a compact city of 750,000, easily negotiated
by foot or tram. The train station and Dam Square are at the heart of
the city and the starting point for most tours.
Museum Square ...is a
brief tram ride from the city center. It is home to the RIJKSMUSEUM,
which includes the works of Rembrandt and Vermeer. The VINCENT VAN GOGH
MUSEUM is short walk away, and contains the world's largest collection
of paintings and drawings by the artist.
Anne Frank House. During World
War II, over 103,000 Jews were deported from the Netherlands to concentration
camps. The most famous was a 13 year old German girl named Anne Frank.
In 1942, the Frank and van Pels families went into hiding in the upstairs
of a canal building. For two years, Anne worked on her diary, giving
an account of growing up during the most inhumane of times. She made
her last entry three days before being arrested. Anne and her sister
died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen in March 1945, only a few weeks before
the concentration camp was liberated. Her father, Otto Frank, the only
member of the group to survive, returned after the war. Miep Gies, who
had help hide and feed the family, found the manuscripts and gave them
to Otto. In 1947 the first Dutch edition of the diary appeared. Since
then the diary has been published in more then 55 languages. The Anne
Frank House is now a self-guided museum.

The bike parking outside the central station
Photo courtesy of The Netherlands Board of Tourism
Joods Historical Museum.
consists of four adjoining synagogues, linked by internal walkways
to form one large museum. The synagogues were central to Jewish life
until WWII, and were restored in 1980s. Most Amsterdammers who visit
the museum today are not Jewish, and consider the museums very much
apart of their own history --- which of course, it is.
Eet Smaakelijk! Amsterdam offers an array
of ethnic restaurants. Dining options should also include Dutch delicacies
like smoked eel, herring and cheeses. A Dutch pancake house is an introduction
to the pannekoeken, based on the French crepe, introduced to Amsterdam
compliments of Napoleon's occupation of the city. Rijsttafel (rice table),
brought from the former Dutch colony of Indonesia, features dishes served
around a mound of rice.
Proost! Pilsners are the most popular
Dutch spirit, but the Jenever, a slightly oily gin, is right behind.
Brown Café. No, not of one those.
A Brown Café is a local's hangout. Some say the name stems from
the interior brown wood; others, the years of tobacco smoke on the walls.
Either way, it's a great place to meet locals.
How Tall is Tall. The Dutch are the tallest
people in the world, with an average height of 6 feet 1 inch for males
and 5 ft 7 for females. Scientists attribute this to having one of the
best healthcare systems in the world. Interestingly, I noticed a pitcher
of milk on many dinner tables.
Like-a-Local.com. The best way to experience
Amsterdam is on foot - but the best way to understand it, is to see
it with a local. Like-a-Local offers travelers an opportunity to spend
time with real Amsterdammers. This can include bicycle and canal tours
on private boats, lunches in private apartments or even spending the
night at a local's home.
Beyond Amsterdam

Photo courtesy of Ed Boitano
Keukenhof is one of the
most spectacular flower gardens in the world. A short bus trip from
the city, it was established in 1949 as a show place for Dutch bulb
growers. Today over 7 million bulbs are planted annually. (See www.keukenhof.nl)

Photo by Ed Boitano
Zuiderzee Museum in Enkhuizen,
an hour away from Amsterdam by train, recreates local Dutch village
life throughout history. (www.zuiderzeemuseum.nl)
Where to Stay
The Grand
Amsterdam, formerly a convent and city municipality building, offers
luxurious accommodations in the heart of the city.
How to Get There
KLM/Northwest Airlines offers direct flights from LAX.
For further information, visit Holland.com.