In Search of Their
Private Ithaca
Story by Tom Weber
enchanting sorceress Circe still casts her intoxicating spell far and
wide through award-winning wines and spirits harvested from reclaimed
marshlands in Italy's Lazio region by the venerable Cantina Sant'Andrea
-- a family of vintners that weathered a real-life odyssey to rival
that of Ulysses.

(Mixed media design by T. Weber)
In Homer's Greek epic poem The Odyssey, following
the Trojan War, Ulysses, the King of Ithaca, and his men set sail for
home on a journey that would take ten years to complete. During their
voyage, and desperately in need of provisions, they follow the winds
up the Mare Tirrenia (Tyrrhenian Sea) along the Italian coast
and reach what they believe is the island of Aeaea - not an island
at all, but rather Capo di Circeo (Cape of Circeo), a small peninsular
coastline nestled in the southwest corner of the Lazio region less than
60 mi. from Rome.

Panoramic view along the Riviera di Ulisse at Sperlonga
Capo di Circeo rising in the far distance Photo T.
"Circe Offering the
Cup to Odysseus" by John William Waterhouse, 1891
Oldham Art Gallery, Oxford, U.K.
This photographic reproduction is in the
public domain courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
According to classical Roman writers, the island of
Aeaea was identified as Monte Circeo (Mount Circeo) on
Capo Circaeum (Cape Circeo). It may have been an island in Homer's
time (ca. 8-7 century BC), with marshes and sea surrounding its base;
but, today, it's a small peninsula with a long lido (sandy beach)
that's attached to the mainland. Archeologists have identified one grotto
on Cape Circeo as La Grotta della Maga Circe (the Cave of the
Sorceress Circe).
During Homer's time, the "island" is the home
of the beautiful sorceress Circe. Upon entering her palace in search
of food and drink, Circe drugs a band of Ulysses' men and turns them
into swine and confines them to a pigsty. When Ulysses goes to rescue
them, Hermes, the messenger of the gods, approaches him and tells
Ulysses to eat the magical herb moly, which will protect him
from Circe's black magic. When offered, Ulysses accepts the cup from
Circe, knowing that he is well protected from her magical spells. Circe,
realizing she is now powerless over him, falls madly in love with Ulysses,
returns his men to their human form, and welcomes them all into her
palace for a year-long stay of leisure and luxury. Ulysses men finally
grow homesick and beg their king to leave Aeaea and set sail, once again,
for Ithaca. He agrees, and Circe provides them with plenty of provisions
and advice on dealing with the dangers that still lie ahead for Ulysses
and his crew.
La Famiglia Pandolfo - Their Odyssey Begins

Public domain satellite imagery of the
Italian coastlines courtesy of NASA
Fast forward to mid 19th century Pantelleria
-- a tiny, 32 sq. mi. volcanic island in the Mediterranean Sea, 60 mi.
southwest of the mother island of Sicily and just 36 mi. east of Tunisia
and the African coast. Here, Andrea Pandolfo I begins to hone his craft
cultivating fine wines from the Zibbibo/Moscato (Muscat) grape
on his small farm.

Grape harvesting and processing at the Pandolfo
farm on the island of Pantelleria Photos
courtesy Cantina Sant'Andrea
Tunisia Bound
Not satisfied with the limited production on Pantelleria,
the Pandolfo patriarch sold the Sicilian island vineyard in 1880, purchased
150 acres of virgin land in Khanguet Gare in the Cap Bon
region and moved his family and his passion for wine making to Tunisia.
Highly successful blending wines in the family cellar, the Pandolfo
brand was regular cargo at the Port of Tunis bound for the finest wine
markets of France.

Grape harvest in the Pandolfo vineyards in Tunisia
Photo courtesy Cantina Sant'Andrea
Down, But Not Out
Because this is a real-life odyssey, complete with satisfying
peaks are arduous valleys, Mother Nature struck Pandolfo's Tunisian
vineyards in 1938 as the vine borer phylloxera laid waste to
the entire crop. Andrea Pandolfo II, now in charge of the family business
at the ripe old age of 16, kept his grandfather's legacy alive. He burned
the diseased crop, replacing the land with newly grafted plants brought
in from France that were resistant to disease; and, soon, the red desolate
earth began to green as the vines took root and grapes began to grow

Moscato/Muscat grapes waiting to be picked
Photos courtesy Cantina Sant'Andrea
Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get Any Worse
Unfortunately, the Pandolfo odyssey grows much worse
before it gets better. In May 1964, the Tunisian National Assembly decrees
the expropriation of all land in foreign hands -- owned primarily by
Italian and French families -- in order to create 300 state-run cooperative
farms; so, Andrea II and the rest of his "crew" pack up their
belongings and, like Ulysses, follow the winds up the Italian coast
to start a new life in the shadows of Capo Circeo and the myth
of Circe.
Cantina Sant'Andrea - La Famiglia Pandolfo's Private

The vineyards at Borgo Vodice, Latina
Photos courtesy Cantina Sant'Andrea
Upon arrival in Italy, Andre II purchases a small estate
in Borgo Vodice, in the Latina province of the Lazio near the center
of the Agro Pontine (Pontine Plain) - a 310 sq. mi. area of malaria-infested
marshlands that, under the direction of the Mussolini government of
the 1930s, was drained, tamed, cultivated and brought back to life.
In honor of bisnonno (great-grandfather) Andre Pondolfo I, the
new winery was named Cantina Sant'Andrea. Led by Andre II, the
family tilled the bittersweet land and began enjoying the fruits of
their labor with the birth of the estate's first vintage in 1968.

L-R: State-of-the-art production facilities; Gabrielle
Pondolfo and son Andrea III; and, inside one of the outlet stores. Photos
courtesy Cantina Sant'Andrea
With a handful of chestnut barrels and wine bottles
identified by simple hand-written labels, the customers began to arrive
and the family tradition began to flourish once again. Today, Cantina
Sant'Andrea boasts an array of 29 different wines and spirits divided
into two distinct lines: Linea Classica and Selezione Acquerelli.
Linea Classica

A sampling of the Linea Classic wines
Photos courtesy Cantina
Comprised of 15 different DOC and IDT-rated (Indicazione
Geografica Tipica - Typical Geographical Indication) blends, Linea
Classica (Classic Line) represents the historical soul of the Pandolfo
estate, since its rebirth in the 1960s back on Italian soil, in each
and every bottle produced. With their distinctive and original barrel-shaped
labels, these blends are the ones that have made Cantina Sant'Andrea
a well-respected and appreciated brand by connoisseurs, wine critics
and loyal customers alike.
Selezione Acquerelli

A sampling of the Selezione Acquerelli wines
Photos courtesy Cantina
Normally, higher quality lines of Italian wine are classified
by their vintners with industry standard terminology, like Riserva
(Reserve) or Superiore (Superior); but, in the case of Cantina
Sant'Andrea, its showcase blends of 14 different DOC titles are
marketed as Selezione Acquerelli (Watercolor Selection), due
to each blend's distinctive watercolor print bottle label. According
to Gabrielle Pandolfo, the current patriarch, "Selezione Acquerelli
represents the maximum expression of the three key elements that every
wine should have: nature, humanity and technology." The Selezione
Acquerelli is a limited production line destined for the very best
restaurants, the most important domestic and international vintage wine
stocks, and the most refined and demanding palates.

(Mixed media design by T. Weber)
As Cantina Sant'Andrea's website homepage attests,
the link between the Pandolfo family, Ulysses and the sorceress Circe
is alive and well. You could say the Pandolfos, after their more than
150-year personal odyssey, have finally and permanently returned home
to their private Ithaca, just like Ulysses did so many centuries ago
in Homer's The Odyssey.
See You in the Circei!

Panoramic view of the Tyrrhenian Coast from the
Centro Storico,
San Felice Circeo Photo
by T. Weber
Should your future travel plans include Italy, make
it a point to visit this enchanting little corner of the Lazio and ask
for Cantina Sant'Andrea wines when you dine; but, a word of caution:
Don't forget to bring along the magical herb moly
you just
never know when the sorceress Circe might be your server.
Good Eats Good Wines Good Linens Good Sights

Photo by T. Weber
Recommended Eats:
Ristorante da Vincenzo Borgo San
Vito, San Felice Circeo - Seafood is the specialty here highlighted
by the best zuppa di pesce (fish soup) in the area, both classic
style and shellfish-only. Also noteworthy is the antipasto of moscardini
(deep fried miniature octopus). Recommended wine is the uniquely dry
Oppidum Moscato di Terracina.
Trattoria Il Grottino Centro Storico,
San Felice Circeo Outdoor dining for the entire family with panoramic
views along the Tyrrhenian Coast down to Gaeta and the Pontine Archipelago
out at sea. Pick your fresh catch-of-the-day right from the establishment's
holding tank. Great starters are the huge plates of fresh steamed cozze
(mussels) and vongole (clams). Recommended wine is Riflessi
Bianco di Circeo.
Recommended Wines:
Cantina Sant'Andrea You already
know the story of La Famiglia Pandolfo; so, now go see for yourself.
Primary vineyards, production facility and outlet store located at Borgo
Vodice on Via del Renibbio Podere. Just follow the botte (barrels)
signs along regional road 148 (Pontina) and you'll be there. Additional
outlet stores in nearby Latina, Sabaudia and Terracina. Online information
Recommended Linens:
Bed & Breakfast I Lecci Via
IV Novembre, San Felice Circeo - Family run b&b with clean, comfortable
and reasonably priced bungalows and multi-room apartments, all with
air conditioning, flat screen TVs and WIFI. Complimentary r/t shuttle
service to the b&b's exclusive section on the Lido di Circeo, with
umbrellas and lounge chairs. Free use of their stable of bicycles, too,
for a fun way to take in the sights and burn off those calories you
added during the complimentary breakfast. Online information at:
Recommended Sights:
San Felice Circeo The history of
this bustling little seaside town along the Tyrrhenian Sea is filled
with myths and legends that give it an unequal appeal. The Neanderthal
were here; forces from Imperial Rome kept the peace for a time followed
by the Papacy; and last, but certainly not least, the mysterious Knights
Templar settled in Circeo for a spell. Detailed online tourist information
National Park of Circeo The only
park of its kind in Italy to include both a plain and coastal area.
The park is divided into five main habitats: the forest, the promontory,
the coastal dunes, the wetlands and the island of Zannone. Online
tourist information at:
Terracina Sitting along the historic
Via Appia (Appian Way) 60 mi. south of Rome and adjacent to San
Felice Circeo, this port city and seaside resort claims its heritage
first from the Etruscans, then the Volscians and finally the Romans.
It is the only point where the mountains reach down to touch the Tyrrhenian
Sea. Landmarks of note are the Temple of Jupiter, the Emilian
Forum, Piazza Municipale and the Trajan Port. Not to be overlooked
is a boat ride out to the Pontine Archipelago to take in the
five islands that make up the chain: Ponza, Palmarola, Zannone, Ventotene
and San Stefano. Online tourist information at:
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Mediterranean Odyssey