Article and photographs by Skip Kaltenheuser

The country holding captive the birthplace of the religion I grew up with, Christianity, of the ethics that shaped me, has withered beyond redemption. It seems hell-bent on withering spirituality throughout the world.
In 1999, I was a guest of Israel, there to write on adventure travel. While traveling at night on camels across the Negev desert to a Bedouin-staffed luxury camp for tourists, news comes of Ehud Barak’s defeat of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud party. The guides, members of Bedouin tribes long displaced and discriminated against, were ecstatic. They chattered away on cell phones, hopeful for reforms that might improve their lives. That was not to be.
Shortly after that excitement, I’m in a luncheon in Jerusalem. I’m sitting next to Netanyahu’s outgoing Minister of Tourism, Moshe Katsav. No backwater, this cabinet post. For a time, Barak served simultaneously as both Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism. The post is not just central to bring in income but for propaganda, which is ladled thick on visiting journalists.

I asked Katsav why, instead of arguing with Jordan about which side of the river Christ was baptized on, the countries didn’t join together in joint tourism projects, enlarging the tourism pie.
Even better, I added, why not include the Palestinians? Give them skin in the game and a stake in stability?
Katsav stared at me like I’d just emerged from a twenty year coma.
“The Palestinians, (pause), they are our N-words!”
Katsav didn’t say “N-words”. He said the word. Drawn out, emphasized. No KKK Imperial Wizard could outdo his sneer.

Katsav assumed I’d grasp terms a white American would understand. No concern of insulting African-Americans any more than Palestinians. Or of offending me, someone there on their dime. Scales dropped from my eyes. The supremest racism underpinning Israeli society and policy winked at me.
An outlier? Katsav was later elected President.
At least he didn’t give the common scripted response, “It’s complicated”. It isn’t. It’s never been more complicated than people, even the non-god fearing, waving real estate deeds from God to steal what they coveted of what little Palestinians had left.
Another Minister of Tourism, Rehavam Ze’evi, appointed in 2001 by Ariel Sharon, remained a pal of Netanyahu. He described Palestinians working in Israel as a cancer that should be gotten rid of as if they were lice. He wanted to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank by making life miserable for them. He envisioned Jordan as part of a Greater Israel.
A proponent of Israel’s strategy of assassinating “potential” terrorists, even calling for the death of Arafat, he later met that fate.

Current Likud Minister of Tourism Haim Katz has long pushed for Israeli colonization in the Gaza Strip and developing tourism in the occupied West Bank, via illegal settlers, measures preventing a Palestinian state. During a prior government post Katz obtained parliamentary immunity on charges of corruption.
Nice crowd, beckoning travelers to the Holy Land.

Spirituality that hasn’t withered runs deep in groups like Jewish Voice for Peace, with whom I had the pleasure of marching on Capitol Hill. Damned impressive, they hold up under despicable insults to their character and identity. As are Code Pink and anyone else who’ve let me string along demonstrating for a ceasefire. Revealing how deeply the fix is in, Nancy Pelosi called for FBI investigations to see if those calling for a ceasefire are doing Putin’s bidding. Honest, Nancy, Putin hasn’t called.
Israel has manipulated America, founded on the separation of church and state and on free expression, into creating a doom loop for our democracy. We do carte blanche funding of an apartheid foreign power which then purchases and threatens both our legislative and executive branches, Federal and state. Would it go over if any other foreign country’s minions publicly announced they’d spend a hundred million dollars to defeat a handful of US Representatives who opposed ethnic cleansing? If they offered bribes of 20 million dollars to people to primary those they want removed?

What about if their US legislative minions pushed to throw our First Amendment rights under the bus by threatening fines of a million dollars and prison sentences of twenty years if one advocates BDS – boycott, divestment and sanctions – for Israel’s violations of international law? That’s what “liberal” Maryland US Senator Ben Cardin tried to pull off in 2017. Chuck Schumer made Cardin head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee after Senator Bob Menendez – Senator Mendacity – another Israeli favorite, crossed too many gold lines. Lately we have the spectacle of legislatures across the country twisting our language so that criticizing Israel and Zionist genocide is equated with anti-semitism. The irony of course is that there is no greater cause of anti-semitism throughout the world than Israel’s actions. No justification for anti-semitism, but impacts are there. As it is now for Americans before the shocked eyes of the world.

Legal pushback didn’t happen when people boycotted apartheid South Africa. The editorial page cry for our First Amendment rights would have been deafening if it were tried. Not loud now. That should terrify us.
The NY Times recently told reporters to mostly shutter the terms “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” “occupied territory,” “Palestine” and “refugee camps.”
Orwell looks wiser every day.
Better to support tourism to nations not cowed, that call out Israel’s war crimes and my own country’s tragic hypocrisy. The forced complicity of the parade of depravities we’ve seen is unforgettable and unforgivable. Yes, nothing justifies attacks on innocent civilians, even by the occupied against occupier, even in return for attacks continuously done on Palestinians, including in the West Bank. Should never have happened, even if past non-violent demonstrations were greeted by snipers. Just a line one can’t cross and maintain one’s moral high ground. But most Palestinians, including men, had nothing to do with it. The horrors of collective punishment, including on children, women and other innocents, did not begin after Oct. 7th, despite the illusions of PR machinery. It began with the systematic, long-haul dehumanization and annihilation of a culture and people. I can easily do without the country behind that, as well as its apologists and enablers. I guess that’s something of a personal boycott.
April 23, 2024 at 6:02 pm
Very capitating piece, Mr Skip K…
I try to absorb all that is happening in the Middle East today, but the more I try to absorb, the less i know. Good piece of writing. – Chuck
Skip Kaltenheuser
May 6, 2024 at 6:18 pm
Thanks, Chuck.
Your kind feedback is much appreciated, including on my writing effort. Like many, I find topics like this tricky to address.
For a couple of the other commenters…naw.
Better to put forth some sources I believe helpful to anyone seriously seeking to educate themselves on the horror before us, particularly those willing to go beyond what the often stifled mainstream media offers us., with free newsletters you can sign up for, has long followed the sad saga of occupier and occupied, and does so with depth. and have excellent writers who often address the topic. Start with a search for the always eloquent Chris Hedges. There are many good writers, including John Kiriakou and Patrick Lawrence, on a broad range of topics. Another capturing the pulse is
Do a search for James Bamford at Bamford is the country’s foremost journalist on intelligence agencies. Don’t miss (The Trump Campaign’s Collusion With IsraelThe Nation › Article). It should have been a thunderclap in Washington, but it roughed up the pet political and media narratives. There is nothing Israel wants more than the return of Trump. conducts excellent interviews with voices you won’t hear in the mainstream, from physicians who’ve toiled in Gaza hospitals under unspeakable conditions, such as here ( and here (, to a State Department Diplomat explaining why she resigned and the impacts of the attacks the US allows on Palestinians on the world’s opinion of America, here ( The Headlines the show starts with are quickly informative.
+972,, out of Israel-Palestine, offers a free newsletter, uniquely exploring many angles up close. has video and text of five or so ever-green conferences on Israel’s impacts on US policy and the history of Israel’s oppression. Excellent speakers. Among them is a very courageous journalist, Gideon Levy of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. You could start with a couple of his keynotes, like here ( and here (
Here’s one of the offerings of the esteemed Committee for the Republic with speakers Max Blumenthal & Miko Peled, ( Max edits, Miko is former IDF and the son of a famous Israeli general, both know the territory.
Other Committee offerings include a broader range of topics but often touch on the military/industrial complex that is inseparable from considering our forced complicity. Explore at (
To see how vested Wall Street’s billionaire bullies are in Israel, (you can figure the implications), catch the offerings of, including (
Ryan Grim and others at do a great job uncovering falsehoods perpetuated by complicit government officials and media, including about pro-Palestinian protesters.
The morning Links at is a great quick glance at what’s in the wind, and will bring new forums your way.
Best luck sorting such matters out. As you do so, keep George Orwell in mind, “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” Another favorite, “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”
Orwell is on the money again, never bet against him.
Fortunate travels,
Heb who can't catch a break
April 23, 2024 at 6:45 pm
He, KKKALTENHEUSER… Give the Hebrews a break. They’ve been persecuted for thousands of years longer that when you wrote your inflammatory article. Signed a Heb who can’t catch a break.
April 26, 2024 at 8:42 am
The Israel Palestine conflict is very complicated. Both sides share fault. To say that one is more guilty than the other is like judging a case without all the evidence.
When little kids quarrel they blame each other and cry out to Mom and Dad for justice. Sometimes the evidence speak for themselves but what do the parents do when it isn’t clear? They send the kids to their rooms without supper and later, they ask them to say sorry to each other and shake hands — sounds like a formula we can apply to these 2 “kids.”
April 26, 2024 at 8:45 am
The Paslestinian demonstrations are funded and orchestrated by someone or some moneyed oligarch. Many don’t even know what they’re fighting for.
April 26, 2024 at 8:46 am
Your article is pretty vague. Are you for or against Palestine?
December 17, 2024 at 9:59 pm
There’s some good stuff in here but the backwards premise that Israel is holding Christian ethics “captive” and destroying American democracy seems about six or seven decades outdated. And the idea that antisemitism is “caused” by Israel is myopic; a few thousand years of killing/persecuting/ethnically cleansing/colonizing Jewish communities were justified by everything, Jewish bubonic plague, capitalism, communism, puppeteering, and most frequently, sacrilege.
Certainly the grievances with Israel are far more substantive than persecuting all Jews as “heathens” but even your article feels the need to stick in some odd 2000-year old cliches of Jewish heathens as an anti-Christian scourge. How can we get an analysis of Israel’s activities that stays focused on the tremendous threats to Palestinian existence and not the weird far-right inventions of Jews/Israelis/Zionists threating Christian spirituality and American freedoms?