Raoul’s Two Cents: April 19, 2024
Worlds Apart
WARNING: Very political article. Move on to the jokes if you’re not into this.
And now the Unbelievable Headline News:
- NPR Chief, Katherine Maher, in a TED Talk in 2021, essentially believes there is no such thing as truth and that we can make up our own truth.
- The illegal refugees in New York are demanding better accommodations despite the $77 Million that has already been allocated for them.
- Former CBS News Reporter, Katherine Herridge, tells Congress she endured ‘A Journalistic Rape’ when fired for pursuing Hunter Biden Allegations
- Did Biden really fly 33K migrants ‘straight to New York’?
- Denver Migrants who are already getting 6 Months of Free Rent complained it was still ‘Insufficient’
I used to be so frustrated when highly intelligent people couldn’t understand why I opposed their political and religious positions. But that toned down when I understood the phenomenon of differing World Views. Now it’s easier for me to accept our differences.
What are the consequences of a person’s World View?
You can google what it means but this is my simple explanation: A person’s world view blinds him to critical facts. It explains why a mother only sees the good of a child who is a serial killer. Or why they say love is blind — when a boy only sees the goddess in the woman he adores.
I think it’s egotistical of the NPR Chief to refuse to believe a truth because it requires adjusting her reality. And to force others to accept her insecurity is a desperate attempt to affirm her sanity.
Some people say “You need to believe my obesity is healthy and beautiful” — nope! Not buyin’ it. Sorry lady, you’re fat and you’ve got major health and mental issues.
If you want to see a clash between 2 world views, go to John 8:12 which starts a passage I call the Great Debate. Jesus declared that he was the Son of God and the Pharisees would not accept it. If you follow the debate, you will see how Jesus is speaking spiritual truths while the religious leaders were speaking from their limited understanding. Both sides gave convincing declarations but since he could not convince them by word, then Jesus did it by performing a miracle in His defense — he made a blind man see. The hypocrisy of the Pharisees was so revealing because they refused to believe the evidence of the blind man that was standing right in front of them: “It’s Impossible! You’re impossible! You do not exist! My world view will not allow me to believe you can now see.”
A wise man said: “You don’t have to defend the Truth. It just is.”
The next time someone fails to understand something so obvious, it may not be because he’s stupid or has evil intentions. Chances are, he is coming from a different world view. And don’t try to convince him. If a miracle couldn’t convince the Pharisees, do you think your logic will?
But this is just me.
TGIF people!
Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Parting Shots
Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Thanks to Drew of Anaheim, CA

Thanks to Bob of Placentia, CA

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Thanks to Maling of New Manila, Philippines

Thanks to Drake of Washington, DC

I found these:

My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with this.

April 19, 2024 at 5:41 pm
Loved this! I have heavily preached work ethic for the last 25 years of my 35 year teaching career.
Thanks bro!
April 19, 2024 at 5:41 pm
It appears that way. Accept world views and wait the outcome. Seems it’s a defeatist point of view but looks like “the other world view” is winning just like the Pharisees. I’m conflicted about sitting by the fence, accepting. Is this the meaning of trust in the God?
April 19, 2024 at 5:42 pm
Interesting comments Raoul. I often use your final comment in regard to defending the Bible.It does not need defending, but it does require that we use it. I have written a number of books on how we got the Bible, but never to defend it or to try to harmonize all parts of it, but I prefer to proclaim and share its message. Its truth works and is transformative. I have spoken to many over the years and have seen many come to faith when I or others simply share its message in love. Billy Graham was never a biblical scholar and acknowledged that, but he could fill up stadiums and see thousands of people come to Christ. He did not defend the Scriptures, but just proclaimed them. I like that.
I am also very confused with those who are so far to the left, including some in my family, but I love them and do share where I am coming from whether biblically or politically and still give them a hug when it is time to go home.
Many blessings to you Raou and your wife!
April 19, 2024 at 5:43 pm
I used to listen to NPR years ago but I dropped them years ago and I really didn’t even understand why except they were leaning the wrong way and I felt like they were giving listeners bad information.
I especially enjoyed listening to them on Saturdays when I would make long early morning drives out to my daughters because they had some commentators who just told interesting stories I enjoyed listening to.
It’s like everybody at NPR has drank the Kool-Aid just like millions of Democrats do. If you haven’t ever listened to Paul Harvey, look him up and listen to the things that he predicted on radio decades ago about the way the world was going. You can share that (I think).
It is terrifying how right on Paul Harvey was about the condition we are in now. I was raised on the radio and listening to good people talk is like having the greatest meal you could ever ask for because you feel filled up after eating such a meal.
Tom of Pasadena
April 19, 2024 at 5:43 pm
Thanks Raoul, Grear Opening and so very True. Great Reasoning and conclusion. Loved the Art and jokes as well. Tom of Pasadena
April 19, 2024 at 5:44 pm
Loved the WHOLE ISSUE, well done, Sir!
April 19, 2024 at 5:46 pm
Truth as it is accepted or denied and the way one orients himslef by his world view. The Pharisess were more blind than the man Jesus gave sight. We accept or deny based on our beliefs and non beliefs. TGIF!
April 19, 2024 at 5:47 pm
Good morning. Loved that PINE STREET.