Home Mission


Ed BoitanoWhether you’re traveling around the globe or prefer to travel from the comfort of an armchair, Travelingboy.com, an upscale travel website, should be your first point of reference. Our features reflect a new subjectivity in travel writing, emphasizing personal experiences over information easily found on the Internet. Our stories are the work of award-winning journalists like John Clayton, Fyllis Hockman and Richard Carroll. In our bimonthly newsletter, they join with other outstanding writers to take readers on the road to discovery, combining years of experience and a unique perspective not available elsewhere online. Rounding out the full menu of offerings, the site includes a wide variety of travel perspectives as well as outstanding photography, celebrity profiles, in-depth travel news and insider tips, deals and steals, global recipes, travel trivia games, and hilarious travel cartoons by the renowned team of Raoul Pascual and Terry Cassel.

Traveling Boy mission


  1. Andrea

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  2. Steve

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  3. Paul

    August 5, 2019 at 10:08 am

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  4. John

    October 27, 2021 at 9:59 am

    Just got through the current Tboy. Excellent in every respect: Marvelous photos; captivating stories; layout and “ease of attention getting” format, is beyond brilliant, really dynamic, and keeps Tboy in the top echelon of “must read” travel publications. The wide diversity of topics and sub headings, is also not only awesome, but compelling in the wide range of newsy and truly interesting subjects; love the offbeat, really clever cartoons, and the artistry in both the visual aspect, AND the written words. Both superb standouts.


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