Raoul’s Two Cents: June 7, 2024
I’m having issues with my neighbor. One little thing led to a bigger thing and now it’s a full blown mess. Ayayay! Where’s the United Nations when you need it?
It’s easy to shout “make love not war” and flash the peace sign when you’re not involved. But when bullets whiz past you and you call in for back up, all bets are off. It’s a fight for survival.
It’s the perfect time to ask “What Would Jesus Do?” Well, he certainly had his enemies … enemies that actually orchestrated problems like … I dunno … maybe something called a “crucifixion?” He was compassionate with the little guys who had nothing. But, boy, did he berate the powerful and the entitled — calling them a “brood of vipers!” He shared the story of the Good Samaritan teaching that sworn enemies (blinded by hate) should (instead) open their eyes to a fellow human being in need.
There is also the story of the prostitute who was caught in the act and dragged in front of Jesus. But instead of stoning her, as was legally required, he challenged them: “those of you who are without sin, cast the first stone.” I imagine these macho self-righteous men picking up their stone. Then Jesus starts writing on the ground with his fingers (obviously the roads weren’t paved). Upon reading (whatever it was he wrote), one by one (from the oldest to the youngest) they put down their stone and walked away. Then Jesus, alone with the woman (who was probably staring at the pile of rocks that should have been on top of her), asked her “where are your accusers?” She doesn’t see anyone … except Jesus. Was Jesus going to cast the stone? Nah! To her surprise, he says “Go on home … sin no more.” Oooooh!
Just because you could, doesn’t mean you should. Just because it’s the law, doesn’t mean you cannot be compassionate. Just because my neighbor is a complete, total, certified jerk doesn’t mean I should blast him off the face of the earth … maybe squirt him a bit with a Holy Water pistol … Wait! Wait! Do I really have to do that?! Boy! It’s tough when you’re a Christian, huh? We are to follow the beat of a different drummer.
School Brawl
Did I tell you that I got into a fight when I was a kid? Back in the days, the teacher would appoint a handful of the students to clean the blackboards, mop and wax the floors (yup! you better believe we did that!). I don’t remember exactly why … I think my classmate and I were just in a bad mood … but I remember we were fighting over who got to use the coconut husk to polish the floor and we were rolling on the floor trying to out-wrestle each other. As in most fights, we both walked out of the room with our soiled white uniform shirts holding on to the little pride that was left. I remember my Mom looking at my disheveled appearance when I got home and asking me if I got into a fight. I lied and said I was just playing. I know she knew better but even I knew, at that age, we boys were sworn into secrecy. Seeing my classmate the next day was a little awkward. Did he report me to his Mom? Was I going to get into trouble? Fortunately, days of peace passed and we both surmised neither of us squealed. The next thing I remember we were hanging out and we never ever talked about it. To this day we are in touch and are still friends. In fact, I greeted him a happy birthday a few days ago.
Life is full of conflicts. The lines have been drawn between good and evil. No one wants to be on the bad side but obviously one has to be on the wrong side. Take your pick: Republicans vs. Democrats. Abortionists vs. Pro-Lifers. LGBTQ warriors vs. Rabid Homozexuals. Gun controllers vs 2nd Amendment Freedom Fighters. Those who hang their roll of toilet paper over vs those who hang the roll under. Difficult as it may be, I think we are placed here in this world to learn to deal with conflicts and practice tolerance and compassion. (Of course there still has to be justice and of course, we should ‘sin” no more — but that’s for another story.) Once the stone is cast, both sides lose.
We aren’t perfect … we may actually be wrong. And, as the brawl with my classmate taught me, foes can turn into our best friends.
But this is just me. TGIF people!
“Fight all your battles on your knees and you win every time.” — Anonymous
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” — John 8:11
“On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” – Romans 12:20
“People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes.” — Abigail Van Buren
Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Video of the Week
Thanks to Bryce of Rhode Island for this hilarious prank

Parting Shots
Thanks to Benny of Chicago

There isn’t a joke. I just thought it was interesting for you Beatles fans.

Thanks to Thomas of Australia

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA
(Not a joke. Just an interesting trivia)

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Thanks to Drew of Anaheim, CA

I found these:

My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with this.

June 7, 2024 at 4:32 pm
It’s tough dealing with people who are fixated on getting their way regardless of who it might effect. But here’s another situation that is pushing you to get out of the management business!
It’s your next step.
June 7, 2024 at 4:32 pm
Talked about being hard to be a Christian, yesterday’s homily was all around the greatest commandments. Very hard to follow.
June 7, 2024 at 4:33 pm
Funny funny
thanks Raoul
June 7, 2024 at 4:35 pm
Good morning Raoul
TGIF: FB Hilarious!
About your neighbor, Just try to avoid him. He might be a nut job, probably on meds and no Jesus. Those people are nuts especially if they get mad seeing kids playing. Hopefully, it all works out
June 7, 2024 at 4:37 pm
My friend Raoul got his uniform shirt dirty and lied to his mother about it? Tsk Tsk. Good to see your TGIF!
June 7, 2024 at 4:37 pm
Very interesting. There’s one thing I felt was incorrect:
You wrote: “Republicans vs. Democrats. Abortionists vs. Pro-Lifers. LGBT warriors vs. Heterosexuals. Gun controllers vs 2nd Amendment Freedom Fighters. Those who hang their roll of toilet paper over vs those who hang the roll under.”
When you say “LGBT warriors vs. Heterosexuals,” you’re suggesting that all heterosexuals are anti-gay. I believe you should have said: “LGBT warriors vs. Rabid Homosexuals.” BTW, the term is now LGBTQ.
My family and I got big laughs from the Facebook comic and the video.
Keep us laughing. There’s too much sadness in the world.
June 10, 2024 at 11:18 am
Well said, April.
Indeed, those self righteous men protected the man she was caught with.
And yes, Jesus’ writing incriminated all of them. Interesting that the
older ones were implicated first — probably because they were the
leaders of this farce. And I’m happy for the woman. Many prostitutes are
who they are because of terrible circumstances beyond their control and
this is their only thing they know to survive. And their low self esteem
drags them even lower.
People can be so cruel, huh? This is why Christ came — for sinners
like her and like us.
Thanks for your email April.
June 7, 2024 at 5:23 pm
Hi Raoul,
No woman can commit adultery alone. There has to be at least one man, right?
And you’re so right to point out that the religious leaders of the day were
called a “brood of vipers” by Jesus in Matthew 23. So here’s a clue about
what Jesus may have been writing in the sand:
He bent down to write in the sand more than once. I notice that the eldest
left first and they all sort of left one by one. I have to wonder if he was
writing their names, and some got wise to what He was doing sooner than
others and clearly didn’t want the public shame and embarrassment.
A lot of people have wondered what He was writing. One lovely friend now in
heaven showed this to me years ago and made the connection, and it’s one
more evidence of how God works because the two of you never even met.