Raoul’s Two Cents: June 14, 2024
WARNING: A little politics and a little religion. Move on to the jokes if you’re not interested.
I just watched the original series of Roots. The first and last time I watched this movie was back in ’77 when it first came out. If you are African American, you’ll learn to hate the white man —“these sanctimonious Christian slave traders! No amount of repatriation will be good enough to repay the sufferings they inflicted. I am entitled to everything you’ve got!”
Do you agree?

California has a Reparation Plan and it’s complex and will cost a whole lotta money for every single tax payer – meaning all ethnicities are going to pay for a crime many did not commit to a generation of African Americans who were never slaves. The intention is probably good but the details blur who pays and who gets paid.
I can see a parody in my mind:
Black Dude: You, White Boy! You need to pay up for enslaving my grandfather against his will.
White Dude: Sorry for what grandpa did to you but I had no part in that.
Black Dude: But your grandpa got rich off of my grandfather’s back. In fact, you inherited the house where you live from your grandpa.
White Dude: You’ve got a point there. So how much should I give you?
Black Dude: All of it!
White Dude: If I give you all that I own, what will happen to me?
Black Dude: Why should I care? That’s your problem!
White Dude: But you’re half white and I’m half black. Shouldn’t that even things out?
American Indian: Hey, hold tongue! What about my people? White man stole land! Land belong to me in first place. Land does not belong to White Man to give away!
Mexican Dude: Excuse me senor! You didn’t own ALL that land. We owned some of it too. We want our portion as well. Besides, we already gave you your casinos. No casinos for us?!?
Asian Dude: Hey we built railroad tracks! Without us, America not progress rapidly. America still be Banana Republic! Don’t we deserve honor for that?
Middle Eastern Dude: Excuse me, speaking of economic progress, didn’t our grandfather Tesla invent AC electricity? How about metallurgy, windmills, algebra, chess, soap, sugar mills, Arabic numerals, coffee, marching bands …
European Dude: Gentlemen, don’t forget we populated America and shaped this barren land into this land of milk and honey.
Black Dude: Wait! Hold on now! This fight is between me and the While Man!
European Dude: Hey, I’m white and my family didn’t come here until after the 19th century. Why should I pay for the sins I did not commit?
Japanese Dude: Don’t forget me! The rest of you guys confiscated my properties after Pearl Harbor and locked us away like common criminals. And you still have not returned our property!
Meanwhile a whole bunch of migrants are crossing over the border.
Border Patrol Dude: Hold on, pardner! Who invited y’all? Can’t you see we’re in the middle of a major war?
Migrant Dude: We saw torch light from Lady Liberty inviting us to come.
Border Guy: Lady Liberty belongs to a different time and there are rules — you can’t just walk into America like that! Besides, we’re overpopulated already.
Migrant Dude: What you mean? I see many open spaces. Come on muchacos, attack!!
Meanwhile, hovering 50,000 feet above the earth, green skinned aliens are watching this scene from their spaceship.
1st Officer 7KRT: Look Captain, the earth people are at it again. Are you sure you want to land?
Captain R3XQD: You’re probably right. Why bother with all that politics? We’ll return another day. These guys are going to self-destruct in a few more years anyway.
1st Officer 7KRT: To think that all of these guys came from the same mother and father … they bring sibling rivalry to a different level. Their parents shouldn’t have eaten that apple.
Captain R3XQD: Yup! … shouldn’t have eaten that apple …
End of parody.
Kidding aside, the Africans and their ancestors were treated badly. It’s easy to be inhumane when you don’t believe they are human — just like the Nazis didn’t consider the Jews human. I find it interesting that the Blacks did not protest their European captors. Why are they given a free pass for their atrocities?
Sure there’s enough blame to go around in different levels of society; but I think when people embrace the “victim mentality,” they will never be satisfied. This is where the beauty of Christian Grace comes into play — rather than demand justice, Christians are supposed to give it up for the sake of peace and because this was Christ’s example. Talk about unequal justice – “Christ paid for a debt he did not owe, for a price we could not pay.”
But this is just me. TGIF people!

” Apology sends the clearest signal that we have the strength of character to reconcile ourselves with the truth.” — John Kador
“Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.” — Romans 13:8
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” – Thomas Szasz
“Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty.” — Proverbs 22:16
Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Parting Shots
Thanks to Benny of Chicago

Thanks to Maling of New Manila, Philippines

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA
(Not a joke. Just an interesting trivia)

The end is near!!

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Thanks to Drew of Anaheim, CA

I found these:

My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with this.

June 17, 2024 at 1:09 am
The last paragraph of your story is the solution!
Tom of Pasadena
June 17, 2024 at 1:10 am
Great Issue Raoul! Your mention on Reparation is Right On the Mark. Tom
June 17, 2024 at 1:10 am
Nice TGIF post Raoul! I always enjoy your wise and funny contents.
Qusetion- did you mean “Reparation” instead of repatriation?
June 17, 2024 at 1:11 am
Newsom, who is the worst possible governor of California has overruled the reparations thing. You can’t pay today’s descendants of slaves money and make things correct. All of us and I mean all of us, and our ancestors have been slaves at one time or another in history. Some people consider room and board as payment in full!
I owned an antique shop for 11 years and I seen several Indenture contracts from England. Also in most ancient cities there were debtor prisons. They housed people that didn’t pay their debts and conditions were horrific but when you can’t work or find a job it is horrific! Also, people were killed for unpaid debts.
June 17, 2024 at 1:12 am
Nice one..never knew about those “nine yards”.. so that came from ammo belt..is that true? LOL!!
June 17, 2024 at 1:14 am
Raoul….I enjoyed your commentary today…..thought provoking…..the concept for ‘pay me’ for sins of my father’s father is a non-starter for me
June 17, 2024 at 1:17 am
Yo Drexel,
Indeed, it doesn’t make sense to correct a wrong with another wrong.
But the impact of the atrocities done to the blacks is apparent in their education/maturity (I’m speaking in generalities of course). We, as a society, have bred people with few role models (ie. males who impregnate women and leave their children to a single Mom) and who are bitter and ungrateful. Can we blame them for behaving the only way they know how?
Giving grace and paying it forward as Christ has demonstrated is truly the only solution.
Knowing you, I know you’ve gone beyond what is expected of you to your fellow human being. You are blessing to many. Thank you in their behalf.
Enjoy your weekend. Happy Father’s Day!
June 17, 2024 at 1:20 am
My Friend…. the old tired expression ‘give a hand but not a hand-out’ or the biblical ‘teach him to fish’ concept creates a positive pathway…. as a ‘reader’ I believe I have some level of understanding over the issue of slavery beginning from the historical perspective where it was common for thousands-of-years, to the more modern 19th century slavery of blacks from Africa…England, most of south America, the Caribbean all ended slavery long before the US did, I get it. Erik Larson’ new book ‘Demon of Unrest’ takes a deep dive into attitudes/decisions going on in both the north & south in the months leading up to the start of the civil war…. very revealing…my maternal family history goes back to the 1600’s when my forbearers arrived in America to celebrate religious freedom, I get risk taking for a better way of life…..I will support programs that go the extra mile providing education, training, and initial jobs to those who are ‘under-served’…. but they must be willing to meet me half way…. Personally, I have many examples in my life of doing what I preach…. but I stop short of providing money as it is not a solution in my opinion…. my thought this beautiful Saturday morning