Raoul’s Two Cents: September 6, 2024
I’m a Believer
Warning: Heavy topic. Move on to the jokes if you’re not into this.
She screamed every time she changed her position because her lower back was killing her.
This is the first time my wife had this problem so she was skeptical when I said she should go to a chiropractor. She was in a lousy mood as we made our way to Dr. Wendy. She was as stiff as a rusty robot that needed a large dose of Windex (WD40). If you were on the other room you’d think she was giving birth or something. She asked me to get her something to eat so I left to get her a snack. When I came back she was done. The disappointed look on her face told me the treatment didn’t help.
However, maybe about 2 hours later, she was surprised that the pain had subsided. Was it the ibuprofen (pain killer) or was it Dr. Wendy? A few more hours later she was in a good mood. “I’m a believer!” she said. Some of the pain came back the next morning but it wasn’t as acute. Her bones were still adjusting I guess. The same thing happened to me when I had my own back problems. She is looking to her next appointment this Friday morning.

Here’s another testament to the wonders of alternative medicine: I became a “believer” years ago when my right wrist experienced the early stage of carpal tunnel syndrome due to the awkward way I held my computer mouse. I called my nurse friend who said I should get a wrist brace and take Motrin to kill the pain, otherwise, I would need to have an operation. I wore that brace for a week. Motrin helped but the pain never really left.
As I entered a BNI (Business Network International) business meeting, my chiropractor friend, Dr. Mark, stared at my wrist guard and asked me why I was wearing that evil contraption. After I explained, he said that was silly; he took off the brace, massaged my wrist — up and down he went while “oooh, oooh, ahhh, ahhh!” I squirmed. Doctor Masochist tortured me for about 3 minutes and then he said it was done and to never wear that brace again. I thought he was crazy. But the next morning (betcha by golly wow!) the pain was gone. The debilitating meta carpal tunnel thingy never came back.
Another time, I woke up with an excruciating pain in my left shoulder. It was so bad I couldn’t lift my elbow past the height of my shoulder. Again western medical experts said I needed to have an operation. I met this Amazonian lady from Hawaii in the same BNI business meeting. She said she did Deep Tissue Massage and that she could help me. This woman had vise grip fingers. She massaged the veins under my shoulder blade like she was flattening the wrinkles of an aluminum foil. She did it in 3 sessions. Just when the sadomasochist in me began to manifest, the pain all but disappeared. And to this day I can still extend my arm to its full capacity.
Through the years I’ve learned to balance Western and Eastern medicine. (And of course some doctors are better than others). One of my forever friends, Dr. Manny, is a retired oncologist who helps my friends by giving away his free medical opinion (what a guy!). I’ve learned not to trust the highly politicized and corrupted FDA who have legalized dangerous psychotropic drugs. Same goes with the WHO (World Health Organization) who encouraged vaccination over developing immunity and other alternative medications. I only got my vaccinations so I could fly home to visit my sick Dad. Call me a conspiracy theorist but my suspicious mind wants to know who are getting rich over anything these institutions recommend. Yeah, yeah, Mr. Conspiracy Theorist — that’s my middle name. Aw c’mon don’t tell me you trust everything the government tells you.
An old client was a Compounding Pharmacist and she claimed she knew drugs better than the doctors. Doctors learn what meds to use for certain situations. Pharmacists understand why those meds work.
During the early years of AI, I had hopes that an IBM program named Watson would modernize medical diagnosis because their database is fed with the latest discoveries that human doctors don’t have time to read about. But I didn’t expect that AI would be weaponized like they are now. Ask Alexa why you should vote for Trump and she says she “cannot provide content for a specific candidate.” But ask Alexa why you should vote for Kamala and she has a long list of reasons. (If you have Alexa, go ahead and try it while they still haven’t fixed this bias.) It’s true — the computer is only as smart and honest as the data and the algorithms you feed it. So the real cure may be suppressed to protect the interests of Big Pharma and the shadow government.

Tik Tok is for mindless entertainment (I don’t trust these guys) but Twitter is for thinkers (pretty humble, huh?). Thank God for Elon Musk who took over Twitter for the sake of Free Speech. I know some of you may not think so but it truly is a platform for (relatively) free speech. (It’s full of good and bad influencers or people who simply regurgitates an idea … it’s still evolving … just be patient with each other). When you get the hang of it, it’s quite obvious who refuse to listen to opposing ideas in order to preserve a dreamlike unrealistic narrative vs. those who are open to discuss alternatives. Thanks to Twitter, it’s a new era where the mainstream media no longer hold a monopoly of the news. The news comes from eyewitness accounts of the ordinary guy.
They say Satan is the father of lies and we live in his world where truth and integrity swim in the same pool as deception and ulterior motives. One can be easily disillusioned. But take heart and remain optimistic because “someone else” is more powerful and everything he said was/is true. It was true then and (thankfully) it’s still true now. And you know how the saying goes … “the truth shall set you free.”
Technology and medicine are still evolving. Hold on to your seats. It’s gonna be an interesting ride.
But this is just me. TGIF people!
“Isn’t it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do ‘practice’?” — George Carlin
“How do you tell the psychiatrists from the patients in the hospital? The patients get better and leave..” —Lisa Scottoline
“A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth.” — Aesop
Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Original art by Raoul Pascual.
Parting Shots
Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Thanks to Sharon of Connecticut

Thanks to Colleen of Washington State

Thanks to Jane of San Diego, CA

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Thanks to Drew of Anaheim, CA

Thanks to Benny of Detroit

I found these:

My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with this.

September 6, 2024 at 4:04 pm
Hi Raoul,
Talking about alternative medicine, there was this hilot place in Bo Kapitolyo Pasig that we usded to go to.When it closed, and transferred elsewhere, we had one of them do house visits 3 times a week for my mother who is bedridden.Does wonders to our Mom, though she cannot tell us about it now. When she was more “talkative”, she looked forward to those visits.
In my own personal experience, there were times it was painful to walk, my lower back, legs, etc. Maybe too much badminton or golf or what not.After one or two sessions with the hilot, good as new na. My sister and brother swear by it.. Just thinking how much money she could make if she went there? But this hilot and her group all go to Mt Makiling to re charge every so often..Meron kaya Mt Makiling dyan? LOL!!!
September 6, 2024 at 4:36 pm
How interesting. Philippine chiropractors have no formal training. They just know what to do. Here they need to go to 4 years of studies. I think their approach is more scientific.
If I were younger I’d like to learn how to do that so I can go to the poor areas and help the poor. In my province in Mindanao, there is only one chiropractor I know in that area and he’s French or British. He charges $50 per session. His office is in the mall that’s why his overhead must be high.
Growing up there was also a healer we used to go to. I sprained both my ankles 2x. A few years ago, when I was still able to play basketball, my teammate passed the ball to me too strong and too close. The ball hit my little finger so hard that the 2nd joint dislocated and went on top of the base. I stared at it and knew the pain wasn’t there yet but it was coming soon. So I pulled my finger and shot it back into place. I didn’t use a popsicle stick to keep it steady but instead used a pork rib. So when my finger healed it was bent like a rib instead of straight.
I don’t know any boy who did not get a sprain or hurt himself growing up. We were all macho.
September 6, 2024 at 4:05 pm
I noticed the Stylistics lyrics. Betcha By Golly Wow? Dating yourself my friend. Young folks won’t get something from the 70’s. I’m seeing a chiropractor too in Brea. I think it has helped my lower back. Because of my wife, I have had a lot of acupuncture and herbal medicine. Not convinced about that. I’m skeptical of a lot of Western medicine. When I was young, I had so many infections. Before my tonsils were removed in 1964, I was very sick. Not that I remember much.
I remember the ice cream they gave me after my tonsils were taken out. I was told by my mother that I couldn’t taste before my tonsils were removed. Every picture of me from that time shows I was skin and bones thin. You wouldn’t know that now.
I am happy the chiropractor is helping her. Glad also about your wrist and other ailments.
Long email my alternative guru.
September 6, 2024 at 4:10 pm
I used to think that chiropractors were witch doctors until I had a problem with vein that is right behind sciatica. I had three tune-ups and the pain was gone. I was a believer. If I overdo I can go in for a 20 minute session and the pain is gone.
September 6, 2024 at 4:10 pm
Thanks Raoul, Great ideas on Health Care. What Helps and What Hurts. Love what you did with the Jokes. Stay Cool somehow. Tom
September 6, 2024 at 4:11 pm
Good stuff!
How did you know i was Senior Thinking?
Wonderful illustrations and the jokes really made me laugh!!
September 9, 2024 at 11:40 am
Raoul, I hope I misinterpreted what you wrote. I felt you suggested that you don’t believe in immunizations. Do you have any idea how many children would be crippled or dead if the polio vaccine hadn’t been developed.? And the death rate was rising steadily until a Covid vaccine was developed. Thank God! At my age, I really don’t think I would have made it when I had Covid if I hadn’t been immunized.
September 9, 2024 at 12:03 pm
I don’t believe in the Covid vaccine. I don’t trust it. There are horror stories of people who have taken them. I believe it helped stop the pandemic but the CDC and WHO were complicit with Dr. Faucci in forcing it on the population — if someone wants to endure the symptoms of Covid, let him. Even now the coverup has not been fully disclosed. Pfizer, Moderna were not yet fully tested. The standard Clinical Trial was made on the global population. They discredited the effectiveness of alternative cures (like Ivermectin) and silenced opposing medical research.
I believe in immunization. That’s one of the reasons I intentionally got infected with Covid.