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Tag Archives: Calvin

Illegal Immigrant Solution

Another colorful week in politics just passed. The politicians are still slugging it out and hurling insults and innuendos at each other. One politician (whom we shall name Candidate X) has called for backup, so politicians of yesteryear joined the campaign to wave their flag of allegiance. Unfortunately, some of their negative side comments have garnered more interest than their intended message and this started rumors of a failing campaign. As a result, the racial political demographics have shifted. Many are realizing that their party’s trajectory no longer align with theirs. If this all sounds confusing to you, that’s because this is the ambiguous world of modern politics --- where handshakes and prepared speeches mask the evil behind those practiced smiles and the puppet handlers above. Poor Candidate X.

Blue Jeans

The news and conversations are all about the recent Presidential Debate. The LEFT claim victory claiming that Trump lied, fumbled, went off topic and made outlandish statements and showed his true divisive character. The RIGHT say Trump was still victorious despite being outnumbered 3 to 1 (and a possible 4th aide assisting Kamala via earpiece) and say that she was given the questions beforehand.