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Tag Archives: Norman


If you keep up with the news, I betcha you're just as frustrated as I am. You think you know the truth. The evidence is as clear as day and yet you see people in the "other side" spewing nonsense with authority. You look for people on "your side" to exchange the latest gossip and avoid speaking about politics with the "other side" because it takes too much drama. So each of us sits on our "safe side" and drift further and further apart.

Lost Wallet

I'm embarrassed to say this but I succumbed to temptation. Over 20 years ago, I was a true blue follower when this started but I soon quit when I realized it was taking too much of my time. However, early this week as I was skimming through my Roku channels, curiosity got the best of me. Bless me father for I have sinned.