Home Raoul's TGIF The Red Dot

The Red Dot

Raoul’s Two Cents: July 19, 2024

Knock! Knock!

Would you recognize a miracle when it comes knocking at your door?

Last Tuesday morning a deafening boom! rattled the morning skies above New York and New Jersey. It turned out to be a fireball hurling 38,000 mph above the Statue of Liberty. A local news channel said there was nothing to worry about because the meteor disintegrated 30 miles above the city. Silly people. At that speed, 30 miles is nothing. This could have been a major disaster. Millions of lives were actually spared — including the hopes and dreams of my precious friends and families.

I Googled the definition of a miracle: “A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.”

(Interesting that they called God an “agency” — always the avoidance of appearing religious. Is it so hard to admit that God exists?)

Another website says: “Jesus’ miracles were like object lessons demonstrating the vast scope of his power. They showed his authority over nature, demons, disease and death.”

So now I’m thinking in the ancient times (the Old Testament), before Jesus came, did they even use the term “miracle”? When Daniel was spared in the Lion’s den (Daniel chapter 6), they didn’t use the word “miracle” — yet miracles have always existed. They just didn’t know what to call it. And (if I’m not mistaken) only the Judeo-Christian faiths embrace this concept of undeserved miracles authored by an all loving and powerful God.

Here is my simple definition of a miracle: “A wonderful event that builds faith and brings glory to God.”

When you pray for a parking space in the middle of the Christmas rush, and then you find one — Is that a miracle? Would it bring glory to God? When you toss your dice to a winning gambling combination, is that a miracle? When your baby is born with all ten fingers and toes, is that a miracle? When you pass an exam with flying colors … when you work hard at anything and get your reward, is that a miracle?

Last Saturday, on a Palm Desert highway, Warren, a dear friend of mine was traveling at great speed. His tire blew out. He crashed into a wall, crawled out of his car that had engulfed in flames and passed out. He didn’t remember anything else when he woke up 6 hours later at the ICU. Was that a miracle?

Also last Saturday, a would-be-assassin missed killing a political candidate. Despite the crafty plans of shady conspirators, the kiss of death whizzed past. Monday, entering into a political convention, there were tears in the candidate’s eyes when he realized a few millimeters spelled the difference of his even being there. Did he deserve to cheat death? No. Even the best of us deserve death. Many others will never admit his good fortune but whether you like him or not, the fact remains.

For me this election has lifted the veil of the spiritual battle that lies underneath. Unless you can see it, things will not make sense.

In order to believe, atheists have often demanded evidence of godly intervention … they’ve been wanting undeniable proof. Would it be presumptuous of me to declare this as proof viewable by billions of people all over the world? Pretty wild, huh?

It’s true what Jesus said (Matthew, Chapter 8) when he refused to present evidence of a miracle to the proud religious elite. Jesus said they were already given proof with the story of Jonah who survived being lunch for a whale. Presenting any more examples would not change their stubborn unbelief. How sad for them.

Surviving an accident, a natural disaster, a near miss, and appreciating a simple blessing … are these miracles?

Again I ask: would you recognize a miracle when it comes knocking at your door? Oh no my friend. A miracle doesn’t ask permission to enter your home … it just enters.

But this is just me. TGIF people!

“Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.” — Mark Twain

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein

“Miracles happen everyday, change your perception of what a miracle is and you’ll see them all around you.” — Jon Bon Jovi

“Explaining a miracle doesn’t make it any less of a miracle.” — Athan Fletcher


Thanks to Maria of Norwalk, CA

Original art by Raoul Pascual.

Parting Shots

Thanks to Benny of Chicago

Thanks to Sarah of Michigan

Thanks to Sharon of Connecticut

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Thanks to Larry of La Habra, CA

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Thanks to Maling of New Manila, Philippines
Apparently, the whole world knows about the assassination attempt.

According to Joey of Los Angeles, CA, Director of Security Service, Kimberley Cheatle, said the sloped roof was the safety reason no security agents were assigned up on the roofs. This ridiculous excuse inspired several memes.

Thanks to Drew of Anaheim, CA

Thanks to Bob of La Placentia, CA

I found these:

My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with this.


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  1. Hilda

    July 19, 2024 at 10:58 am

    The fireball that missed Lady Liberty is like the bullet that missed Trump’s head. They’re miracles, in any definition.


  2. Larry

    July 19, 2024 at 10:59 am

    The secular world wants to credit all other factors, except the divine. Politics is devoid of reference to God the creator. Our money says In God We Trust. The pledge of allegiance. “One Nation Under God”. God an “agency? Miracles found in gratitude for a parking space? Our very lives are miracles. How is it you and I, from different backgrounds and cultures and countries, are good friends.

    Every breath, every step, every single moment is a divine gift. A blessing. A miracle.



  3. Oscar

    July 19, 2024 at 11:01 am

    The red dot and the cat! ;-D

    I’m with you. Miracles come from God and only for the glory of God.


  4. Tom of Pasadena

    July 19, 2024 at 4:21 pm

    Great intro Raoul. Very thought provoking and good thinking. I was swimming early this morning before sunrise and every lane was filled with swimmers the Sun was sending brilliant rays over the San Gabriel Mountains and everyone stopped to gaze at the amazing sight. As close to a miracle as we all looked up to see the shafts of light then grinning at each other in admiration before beginning again.The miracle of life and true love are miracles we take for granted as well.
    We need reminders of these blessings to be aware and thankful for.
    You do that in addition to making us smile.

    Thanks. Tom


  5. Heather

    July 19, 2024 at 4:27 pm



  6. Lois

    July 23, 2024 at 10:46 am

    Your newsletter was interesting. I liked the drawings to show how turning his head saved Trump’s life. What I didn’t like was: “Despite the crafty plans of shady conspirators . . .”
    Researchers have learned that this was a young guy who wanted to shoot some famous person. He had researched both Trump’s and Biden’s schedules, and Trump was the one who came to Pennsylvania (my birthplace by the way), where this would-be assassin lived. Why, Raoul, do you always want to believe in conspiracy theories?

    Can you please explain the Jesus cartoon. I usually love your cartoons, but I don’t get this one.

    Your always-say-it-like-I-see-it friend, Lois


    • Raoul

      July 23, 2024 at 10:56 am

      I admit I am very suspicious of the news. With all dure respect, may I say the opposite about you? You tend to believe the news that the mainstream media feeds you. Was I wrong about the J6 conspiracy? I was correct about Faucci and the vaccine hoax and his Gain of Function scheme. I was correct about the Russia collusion which originated from Hillary. I was correct that Joe doesn’t have all his marbles and it’s very possible someone else (non elected) must be (illegally) running the White House.

      And the Trump assassination attempt is still unfolding but with damning evidence that there must have been a concerted effort to kill him:
      Cooks was spotted 57 minutes before he opened fire
      No reason why there were no agents securing that roof
      No reason why they didn’t secure the water tower where they suspect a second shooter was.
      Where did he get his rifle? He certainly wasn’t carrying it when people spotted it. And why did he have a communication device (looked like a walkie talkie – still not sure because they’re not being transparent about it).
      The agent who killed him spotted his minutes before he opened fire with several rounds
      The agents (especially the woman agent who couldn’t holster her gun) were amateurs who seemed to scramble aimlessly
      There are a few suspicious characters on stage who might have been in on it
      These are just from the top of my head. Conspiracy theory? Hmmm …

      I heard Kim Cheatle just resigned. There are rumors that Joe is not feeling well … some wild theories that he’s already dead. In all of this, I try to keep an open mind. There are powerful forces that determine the narrative we, the ordinary citizens, have to believe. What’s interesting is that now, with Joe’s dementia finally exposed, these powerful forces have not agreed on the narrative which is why some newscasters are running amuck with the truth.

      The Jesus cartoon: there are 2 Jehova’s witnesses. They’re asking the woman if she has seen Jesus. If you look behind the window curtain, you’ll see Jesus partly hidden.



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