Raoul’s Two Cents: February 9, 2024
Water Memories
It is quite unusual to have a typhoon here in Los Angeles. Starting over the weekend the rain poured non-stop for days. Hundreds of residents lost power. I know a good number of residents whose roofs started to leak. But this typhoon was nothing compared to the ones in South East Asia. Strangely, it brought back lots of memories.
Some say that rain did not exist until the flood during the time of Noah. Vegetation was fed from underground water systems. It rained 40 days and 40 nights and later, God made a covenant with Noah that never again would He destroy the earth with a flood and He showed Noah the first rainbow which would be a reminder of that promise. Pretty cool, huh?

Water — what a great invention. Life wouldn’t exist without it. I remember the first time I was conscious of the effects of rain was right after a storm in the Philippines. We had an outside fish pond filled with goldfish. When it overflowed with rain water, the goldfish escaped into the street canals. The neighboring kids were excited to find colorful goldfish in the sewers. The streets were cleaned of debris. The tree trunks were drenched and dark. The birds were busy feeding on the earthworms that emerged from the soaked soil. My older brother and I raced our paper boats in the canal rapids. Everything was clean. Zero pollution.
Today, decades later, these memories fade in the backdrop of human garbage. I may not agree with many of their approach, but I can certainly relate to the longings of the environmentalists. We really messed things up, didn’t we? I see a direct correlation between pollution and an undisciplined society because in Japan, in Northern Europe, I believe water is still sparkling clean.
Other Water Memories
I remember my Tita (Aunt) Dolly enrolled my brother and I to swimming lessons. She bought us our first swimming trunks that were 2 sizes too big. Every time we dove into the water, one hand stretched out to greet the water while the other held on to our “family jewels.” I remember the freestyle race on graduation day when my trunks found their way to my knees and delayed my journey to the finish line. I must have been the crowd favorite. I’m glad there were no selfies then.
In my teen years our Dad brought us kids to raging water channeling out from the mountains after a storm. It was downright dangerous but I guess life was cheap at that time. I had 6 siblings so I guess my Dad could afford to lose one of us. We giggled as we held on to the rocks for dear life — enjoying the natural water massage. Suddenly, my sister slipped and she grabbed my sleeveless shirt and yanked it like a bungee cord. My ruined shirt saved her life. Strangely, everybody laughed. Indeed, life was cheap.
Around the same time my grandfather built a swimming pool in his farm. Swimming pools were unheard of then. There was no such thing as pool maintenance. No filter systems, no circulation, no PH and alkaline tests … grandpa just built a rectangular cemented hole on the ground that was 10 feet deep. My brother and I spent summers there. And we swam with the frogs and the larvae. Our skins wrinkled and tanned. Oh, we had so much fun. The last I heard, they were raising tilapia in that pool.
One last memorable encounter with water was in a modern swimming pool. Church friends were gathered around me as our pastor submerged me in full baptism. I remember them singing: “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, than be happy in Jesus … but to trust and obey.”
Yep! The memories of water are like the memories of a rainbow — full of joy and anticipation of a new life.
Come share your water memories. What are you waiting for? I hope they’re good.
TGIF people! Enjoy the Chinese New Year this Saturday, the Superbowl this Sunday and Valentines Day this Wednesday.
“When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh. And the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.”
— Genesis 9: 14-15
Thanks to Tom of Pasadena. CA

Parting Shots
Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA
Good reminder:

Thanks to Fred of Long Beach, CA

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

I found these:

My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with this.

Tom of Pasadena
February 9, 2024 at 5:49 pm
Thanks Raoul, growing up where you did was something and with all your siblings.
My Brothers only four took me to play in Arcadia Park and there was pool there.
They encouraged me to take a swim and I told them I don’t know How to Swim. Being a younger trusting Soul I agreed and said I’d try.
They showed me a few tips and then taking me to the deep end threw me in the water.
I yelled and made a fuss but was able to splash my way to the side of the pool and exit on the swim ladder to collect my wits.
Taking lessons from a lifeguard there ,I became a real swimmer. Then a Jr. Lifeguard at Redondo Beach for a Summer and finally a Search and Rescue Swimmer in
US Coast Guard in the Bering Sea on a Coast Guard Cutter , Out of Kodiak Alaska.
I still enjoy swimming for Physical Therapy.
That’s my Water Story.
February 9, 2024 at 5:50 pm
LOL on that water experience.
I remember my mother enrolling me and my brother in swimming classes in the YMCA, together with some friends. For the life of me, I cannot understand why they made us wear G-strings.. I think I was barely 10 yrs old at that time and wala pang pubes (no pubic hair yet) …some guys were in their teens and with pubes na..Maybe bading yung mga instructors (maybe my instructors were gay).
February 9, 2024 at 5:53 pm
My water memory was when our PE teacher asked us to jump into the pool. (The shallow one). I did.
And that’s why I still haven’t learned to swim up to now. Haha!
And it happened again. Teacher asked us to jump into the 10 foot pool. My classmate rescued me.
February 9, 2024 at 5:54 pm
Rain, rain. Go away come back again another day!
February 9, 2024 at 5:55 pm
TGIF the joke. ;-D
Yeah we need to protect that water. Raging Waters is a good park.
February 10, 2024 at 8:14 am
Nice memories of how water played a big part of our growing up years.
Interestingly, I too wrote about water (living waters to be exact) today on FB. Here is my post:
Mark 16:15
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Thank you to my friends at Living Water Ministries Church in Iligan City, Philippines: Pastor Edna R. Villapuz, Pastor Delia Petallana and Pastor Carol Pacana. I cannot wait to speak at your church again and minister to you all very soon. I stumbled upon this old poem which I wrote 15 years ago. I want to dedicate it to you all today…when you read through it, you will see why.
TAKE ME (A poem I wrote back in April 2009)
Take me, take me as I am.
Shape me and use me in Your plan.
Lift me and carry me to great heights.
Soak me and bathe me in Your light.
Long and dreary was the path
That brought me here, safe at last.
I’m here now, Your willing soldier.
Make me stronger! Make me bolder!
My own life is as a filthy rag.
Of my own strength, I cannot brag.
Only You have all the power.
Only You are My High Tower.
So take me, take me as I am.
I give my very all unto the Lamb.
Strip me of all pride and all self.
Take all my stuff and all my wealth.
Nothing but YOU, You are all that matters!
Only You can bring the LIVING WATERS!
So let me drink up and take Your hand.
Take me to all the far-away lands.
Free me to roam Your lofty skies
Where angels live and eagles fly.
Where the wind blows freely, to and fro.
Take me, Lord, and I will go.
Tom of Pasadena
February 10, 2024 at 8:15 am
A little girl swam up to me in the pool and told me she was 6 and it was her Birthday. I wished Her a Happy Birthday and She responded with “ and how old are you? I told her eighty Six. She then said ,”. You don’t look that old “.
Her Mother was listening in and then She said, “ you could die in any minute “ Her Mom getting ever more nervous. I Laughed and told her So could You.
I enjoy the Kids ,they are so interesting and have no hangups as to what they want to know or talk about. I calmed her Mom down and told her I liked her spark and enthusiasm.