Home Raoul's TGIF Pregnant Explanation

Pregnant Explanation

Raoul’s Two Cents: August 5, 2021


Sorry guys. I’m going to have to let you down this week. I’m so tired and sleepy. So no thoughts to inspire or challenge you today. My schedule’s out of wack because the work from last week sorta lingered these past few days and I just want to go to sleep. Those late night work have something to do with it. But you know what? Even though I’m tired, I am satisfied that I accomplished something. I truly enjoy what I do. I’d rather be busy than bored and watch videos the whole day.

I listened to the news as I worked so I am concerned about the 2nd wave of COVID with the Delta variant. I heard about the protests in Europe from people who don’t want to wear masks. Why doesn’t the mainstream media cover that? I heard about the floods in China where thousands were trapped and drowned in the underground subways. I heard some excitement about the Olympics. I liked the Sports news but hated the politics. I feel sorry for Japan who lost so much hosting this event full of empty seats. I heard illegals are still pouring into the country because the southern borders are way open. The real damage to our society are the thousands who have tested positive and were release to the rest of America. Governor Cuomo of NYC is in the hot seat. His party has turned against him. Interesting behavior in display — the big bully is now being bullied. Hard to sympathize. The economy is sluggish — lots of ups and downs. Gas prices are still up. When was the last time you stepped into a mall?


When you voted for whoever you voted, are you surprised at the current events? Why or why not? No judgment here. I just want to know.

I think I’m going to have nightmares.

Let’s end with something positive. I heard Disneyland is open. Broadway is open. Movie houses and concerts are happening. Air travel and road traffic are getting back to normal. Chicken thighs are on sale at Aldi’s at 99 cents a pound.

TGIF people!


Joke of the Week

Thanks to Peter Paul of S Pasadena, CA for this joke.

Videos of the Week

Thanks to Ray of Glendale, CA for this provoking video.

Sound of Silence … Disturbed
Ray said this won a GRAMMY. It’s a different take on that classic tune … one more serious, more dramatic, more visual. WARNING: It’s pretty dark but very artistic.

Click on Image

Thanks to Jackie of Whittier, CA for this adorable video. My wife and I are hooked on the escapades of Tobi the Corgi. He has a lot of videos. I think we watched them all.

Click on Image

Parting Shots

Thanks to Mel of Washington DC for these jokes.

Thanks to Peter Paul of S Pasadena, CA for this joke.

Thanks to Don of Kelowna B.C. for this joke.

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  1. Heather

    August 18, 2021 at 7:04 pm

    It sounds like you’re missing Monday. Let me know cause I won’t go early. Get some sleep. You’re over extending yourself… not a good idea because every one around you losses.


  2. Ed

    August 18, 2021 at 7:04 pm

    Please get some rest…

    Love the call from India joke…


  3. Tom

    August 18, 2021 at 7:06 pm

    Thanks Raoul good Job for how you are feeling .Loved SOUND OF SILENCE And Topi the Corgi. Get some rest and stay cool if you can.

    We went on vacation and as we were trying to check in they were evacuating because of nearby fire. So ee turned around and came home 200 miles each way in 107 temps. Tom


  4. Patrick

    August 18, 2021 at 7:06 pm

    Raoul – We have a small percentage (maybe 10-15%) of elites running this country and following the Marxist model of destroying society by controlling speech (re-read Orwell’s 1984), dividing us by race and gender orientation. These elites define us by the color of our skin, that last group to do that were slave owners. I use the example of transgender women, i.e. they have a penis, allowed to compete in women’s sports and go into the woman’s section of a health spa with HER penis exposed. Pres Biden signed an executive order mandating this, If one took a public poll, 85% of voters would not support this. THE ELITES ARE IN CHARGE and the rank and file are burying their heads. Anyone who voted for Biden is responsible for this.

    I am reading Mark Levin’s American Marxism book and he points to the three early ‘thinkers’ Rousseau, Engels & Marx who were the founders of the Marxist/Communist thoughts. Each had the same formula to tearing down a society – divide by class and have them fight it out. All three knew how to destroy a culture/society, but once in charge they didn’t offer how to run a society. Think Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea as to how it turns out.


  5. Jeff

    August 18, 2021 at 7:08 pm

    Raoul–the look on the girlfriend’s face (2d pic) is just priceless. I also like the guys hair cut. You do keep up with the times!

    Why don’t you get one like it?

    Sorry you’re not feeling as well as you have been use to feeling. It’s no fun not to be 100%. We were trying to schedule a dinner party, 2 – 3 months out. And [the wife] just wasn’t herself. And you know, it was hard to plan, something way in the future requiring work, when you don’t feel like it now.

    My problem, not related to [the wife]’s, is to plan something a few minutes from now!

    Get well.

    Do you like words of wisdom clever observations? If your interested I’ll write them up. Each is a little story
    all it’s own, but they build to understanding the 3rd story. Yeah, you’d like them. May not be usable, but
    you’d still like them.



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