Raoul’s Two Cents: September 20, 2024
Win Win Situation
Warning: Serious topic. Move on to the jokes if you’re not into this.
This morning, in my sleepy state of mind, I clumsily let my external hard drive drop to the floor. Stupid me. I never gave that little gadget any respect. I tossed that baby around like a leather wallet. I trusted that technology had advanced so much that hard drives were solid state (ie. no breakable moving parts) and would last longer than the Battery Bunny. Big mistake! When I plugged it into my computer, there was no sign of life. I needed to fix it.
I researched and repair prices ranged from $70 to $2k. What a shocker! Thoughts raced through my mind: Do I really need this data? How much is this worth for me to fix? In case you didn’t know, I’m a techie. So I’m going to fix it myself. And even if I fail, I can reconstruct what was there.
Life Lesson
How often do we get a chance to reconstruct our mistakes? Mistakes happen and, as you know, there are big mistakes and little ones. Ones you can fix and ones that are irreversible. You know the old saying: “If at first you don’t succeed, sky diving is not for you.” I used to tell my kids (when they were young) that it was all right to make mistakes and have scars because they will heal and we can learn from them … but I warned them of permanent scars” — scars that will be impossible to change — like murder, losing an arm or a leg, having unwanted pregnancies, etc.
Life Application
In the broader arena, we have the US Presidential elections. In 6 weeks America will decide who will lead the free world. Tension’s rising because (no matter who wins) we know half of the country will think we would have made a mistake. Will we have a chance to reconstruct? Many don’t think so. But, believe it or not, I can accept whatever happens. This is gonna sound weird. Bear with me.
Scenario 1: The next President RECONSTRUCTS and builds — then we have nothing to fear. All will be fine and dandy. That’s good!
Scenario 2: The next President DESTROYS — then more people will suffer BUT when more people suffer, more people turn to God and more people will believe and go to heaven — that’s even better!
So you see either scenario wins. But this is just me. TGIF people!
p.s. I’m asking a BIG favor.
My little granddaughter, Caela, is a candidate for Baby of the Year and (if you have a Facebook account) she needs your vote. Log into Facebook first then you can vote once a day so please vote until this coming Monday. As of this writing she is Number 1 in her category. Thank you for your support.
CLICK HERE TO VOTE and see my grand kid.
“If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t you will see obstacles.” — Wayne Dyer
“Things will work out – maybe just not the way you plan “ — Rick Riordan
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.” — Proverbs 3:5-6
Thanks to Norm of Encino, CA

Original art by Raoul Pascual.
Parting Shots
Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Thanks to Brian of Philadelphia

Thanks to Maling of New Manila, Philippines

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Thanks to Drew of Anaheim, CA

Thanks to Benny of Detroit

I found these:

My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with this.

September 20, 2024 at 2:58 pm
No matter what the frustration, turn to God, I believe. Don’t you think?
Why sweat and strain when we can’t control anything? Our Heavenly Father knows our names. So scripture says. He knows our every thought and feeling.
Take it easy and breathe.
P. S.
I tried voting for your granddaughter. Very cute picture, but I forgot my Facebook password. I will have to find it tomorrow. I am tired.
Sent from my iPhone
September 20, 2024 at 3:04 pm
Can I just give you a donation directly? I’m afraid to put my information in especially a credit card etc let me know if that’s okay.
September 20, 2024 at 3:05 pm
Good morning Raoul!
Goodness, if you are having trouble with the tech stuff, you are getting older than I thought! For 32 years I had an assistant who did all of that stuff for me and now I have to do it myself! Yikes, do I ever make many mistakes. Welcome to Senior-hood! Emoji By the way, I also love coffee and have my cup beside me as I write. You wouldn’t want to see all of the mistakes I make without it! EmojiEmoji Blessings to you and your lovely bride!
September 20, 2024 at 3:06 pm
Thanks Raoul., Great Issue and enjoyed the articles on Washington State and Lake Arrowhead. Very descriptive and helpful. Your Artistic endeavors top notch.
Tom of Pasadena. Your Views on the Vote Right On!
September 20, 2024 at 3:06 pm
We don’t think we made a mistake for voting for Caela!
September 20, 2024 at 3:07 pm
Hey Raoul,
How come you can have such a beauty for a Grand Daughter? Precious blessings. We voted. Last week you wrote about your journey with alternative medicine. I’ve got a story for you! Chiropractic’s is not of Eastern origins. It was D. D. Palmer who pioneered chiropractic’s. Palmer was a Canadian born Spiritualist. He said that a dead doctor spoke to him via a séance and told him about chiropractic’s. He was later jailed for practicing his vocation. This in the late 1890’s. Linda Belle’s and my first family doctor was, Dr. Louis Napoleon Sickler. (Real name.) We ‘inherited’ him from my grandfather, Ignacio Sanchez Alvarez. Doctors diploma was from Little Rock, Arkansas. Dr. Sickler was both a Medical Doctor and a Chiropractor. When I enrolled at Los Angeles City College I went out for the wrestling team. (Not Sumo – please.) They gave all the students on the team a physical. Prior to the physical they had us fill out a form about our selves and our medical history. I dutifully completed the form and handed it in. The doctor came in the room and started to listen to my heart. He stopped in the middle of the search and walked out of the room. When he came back and started again; I asked him (still being a smart aleck kid.. “If he couldn’t find my heart?”) His answer was; you filled out on the form that your doctor Sickler, was both a Medical Doctor and a Chiropractor. I had to go verify that that was true!) In those days chiropractors were frowned on by the medical profession. I told good old Dr. Sickler the story and he had good laugh and said, “You can’t cure everything by cracking bones or by popping pills! All doctors should be both Medical doctors and Chiropractors! He said. I have learned that not all chiropractors are good at their profession. I liken it to picture painters, almost everyone can paint a picture; but few are artists! Same applies to doctors and chiropractors, and I might add Real Estate TITLE Specialist, I’m proud to say!
By the way, Dr. Sickler’s office was the living room of his home in Lincoln Heights. An old craftsman style home, and it is still there last time I drove by. Corner of North Broadway and – hold on – Sichel Ave.!) See attached photo. Dr. Sichler had suffered a bout of polio and shook some, so he had to steady himself to be able to administer a shot. Hold on! Scarred the hell out of my little brother Petie! He gave brother Pete his shot; he had us lay down on a window bench. He was already walking away from my little brother; when Petie cried out, “Take it out, take it out!! Poor kid, be all got a big laugh out of that at his expense! The picture of Dr. Sickler’s home has changed over the years! Insurance Office, etc. The window in the front is where the Shot Bench was located! Take it out!
Brother Chuck
September 20, 2024 at 3:14 pm
What a story Chucky Cheese! Times were so different then for sure.
Very interesting the way they treated chiropractors. I believe the established medical profession were threatened just as they are overly and illegally protective of their income today. It’s terrible that they put profits over their patients.
I didn’t know chiropractic had satanic origins. Are you sure about this? I thought the Chinese invented it along with acupuncture and massage.
That’s a beautiful picture of that ancient house. Obviously, it had a recent facelift. Obviously the occupants are deep into politics.
TGIF and thanks for your story.
September 20, 2024 at 3:07 pm
Good morning Raoul ,
TGIF: coffee ☕️ 😂😂😂
Trust me on this brother.
It’s not half and half of our country divided.
Truth is it’s probably 20/80
20 percent want Harris
80 percent want Trump
Most American people are praying that Trump wins but probably not going to church.
Harris win will decrease people being save ( Americans know they cheated as if they Cheated God too along with us and so many people will walk away from Christ , NOT real believers but many others will).
A Trump win will increase people being saved.
Because they can’t lie to Godly people for power.
I know Trump has the Majority of the people.
It’s the puppet masters he doesn’t have.
That’s why I know only God will get him a win for Gods glory and I know Trump understands this . That’s why he is way more humble now than he was in 2015 🙏🌎🇺🇸🇮🇱🙏
September 20, 2024 at 3:36 pm
Hi Raoul,
Your scenario#2 reminds me of that Titans (greek gods theme) movie where the people stopped worshipping the gods which made the gods weak(?) or unwanted..So they unleashed the kraken…and then the people turned to the gods for help..so the gods were happy again .. but they got to destroy some of the people..LOL!!
I would have wanted to vote for your apo but I do not have FB..I tried clicking on the link but at the end, I got to register via FB.
Have a nice weekend pare