Raoul’s Two Cents: December 8, 2023
The Changing World of Saint Nick
WARNING: Very political topic. Move on to the jokes if you’re not into this.
Everybody knows that the jolly, obese, white bearded man in the red suit is the American version of Old Saint Nicholas — a lanky philanthropist from Turkey … wait! Isn’t Turkey a Muslim country? Muslims don’t have saints! What’s wrong with this picture?!?
At one time there were a lot of Christians in Turkey. In fact, the apostle Paul had planted some of the earliest churches like Ephesus and Antioch in that country which is today 99% Muslim. So where did the Christians go? Simply stated, I guess they were bullied out. In fact, the Christians and followers of other religions in Turkey are in hiding for fear of their lives. How ironic that Saint Nick would be beheaded in his own country today.
Division From Within
The war in Israel and Palestine has fed the world with genuine and fake news which has festered warring factions of sympathizers for either the Jews or Hamas. There’s no confusion where the conservatives stand — their position has remained the same since the Jewish state was established in 1948. The confusion is among the liberals. It’s interesting that the true ideologies within the liberal party are now unraveling. A recent Congressional hearing with the Presidents of Harvard, Penn State and MIT has revealed the uniform antisemitism of these ivy league schools. These universities are in panic mode because Jewish donors and other alumni are pulling out. The cancer within has finally been exposed.
We know full well that (1) leaders can be bought; (2) news can be slanted to media biases; (3) rotten apples exist in law enforcement organizations like the FBI, the CIA, etc.— so if it’s true that millions of people are easily fooled, perhaps it’s time to reconsider one’s allegiance — should one be loyal to a party regardless of how far its moral compass has drifted? Does one fear the bullies or fear being ostracized by society?
I really hope we all open our innocent eyes to current events and discern the evil, monied, powerful elites that are out to destroy our nation. Regardless of party affiliation, let the facts fall where they may. Stop defending a wrong. Legal or illegal — does the end justify any means? What if one’s belief is wrong? Afraid to discuss the issues? That’s sad.
Speaking From Experience
I grew up during the Marcos dictatorship. Believe me, It’s no fun to live where poorly educated, heartless, short-sighted buffoons rob and kill with the blessings of the powerful. I survived a judicial system where one’s connection determined who was innocent. I have friends who went missing … friends who were shot because they dared to stand up against those bullies. The longer the regime dragged, the more abusive the bullies became.
Yesterday was Pearl Harbor Day — a day that awakened a sleeping America to the bullies in Japan. Will history repeat itself? If you’re still wondering who to side with, perhaps this video below might help. Let me know what you think of it.

Of course there are exceptions. I have good friends who are Muslims … just had a fun chat with one of them this morning. Of course I’ve made some general statements — but stop using this gaslight excuse to remain undecided. And of course, this is just my opinion. TGIF people!
In case you’re wondering, no matter which country or how many nations gang up on little Israel, Israel will never be wiped out. It says so in the Bible. Deservedly or undeservedly. these Jews are the Chosen People. They will never be eliminated.
“Those who believe in nothing are very, very jealous of those who believe in something.” – Dennis Praeger
Thanks to Riley of Wisconsin

Parting Shots
Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre. CA

I found these

Hey, click on the picture of “Abe” to read my article of the
Ford Theatre (in Washington, DC) where Lincoln was shot.

The Traveling Boy
My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with these.

December 10, 2023 at 7:05 pm
Thanks Raoul This is one of your best ever. Santa the Bishop of Myra preaching the error of commercialization of daily life being the focal point of shopping is another point of wonder and confusion. The articles on Lincoln and Humor were wonderful.
Your keeping us informed and smiling are indeed Commendable.
Tom of Pasadena.
December 10, 2023 at 7:06 pm
Loved today’s enlightening newsletter. Really liked the video. Of course, we all know that the reason Hamas attacks is just because they thrive on conflict. It must have been horrible growing up under the rule of a bully.
Anyway, today I’m really worried that the USA will become a dictatorship because of the logic I mentioned above. Hope I don’t live to see the day.
December 10, 2023 at 7:07 pm
Fleece Navidad!!!LOL!!
December 10, 2023 at 7:08 pm
Totally agree with you Raoul.
Thank you for your thoughtful messages.
In Christ,