Raoul’s Two Cents: June 11, 2021
Coming up: Eggs-citing Weekend
This weekend is the big Home Camping weekend I talked about last week and I’m a bit anxious … actually I’m real nervous about it. I might have built it up too much and I’m afraid I might disappoint my grandkids. We’re all looking forward to it. I had the boys and their Mom (my daughter) over for lunch to plan our itinerary.
Last Monday I wrote a song about our 2 corgis — Tonka and Tinker walking down the street. The jingle has been playing in my head every day since. My wife loves it and my grandkids like it too. So we’re planning to do a recording of the song with them in the background. The kids will be taking the video of the corgis’ pendulous buttocks. It’s gonna be a lot of fun. And I hope to share that video along with the report of this bonding experiment.
The kids will help me prepare all our meals starting Saturday morning. My daughter isn’t too sure about their handling the knives so I’ll have to proceed with caution. She also said their tent might not fit the living room. I’m not too worried about that. What is keeping me up at night is my most ambitious plan — cooking a batch of pickled eggs. You know what’s really crazy about this idea? My Mom used to make them but I’ve NEVER cooked pickled eggs before. This could turn into a major egg-on-my-face disaster. Well, we only live once. No one has ever died of an egg overdose, right?
To my surprise, there was a sale at the grocery store — a dozen eggs for 79 cents — half the regular price! So I bought a lot of eggs — a lucky 13 dozen cartons of them. I didn’t realize what I had done until I loaded them inside the refrigerator (see picture). I think I’ll need a bigger refrigerator. I watched several videos from the pickled egg experts of the world: Boil for 13 minutes and dump into cold water to help separate the eggshell. Only then did I learn I needed to refrigerate the containers for at least 2 weeks. Did I say I needed a bigger ref? I think I’ll just leave them out in a cold area of our home. What do you think? If they turn into stink bombs, I will be ready for egg wars.
I plan to tell campfire stories. Today’s TGIF joke, the Legend of the Pink Ping Pong Balls, will be one of the stories I’ll be sharing. It’s the longest TGIF joke to date so if you’re in a hurry just skip it.
Finally, this weekend plan reminds me of an old edition of my TGIF joke which I posted back in 2008 about a boy who asked his Dad how much he was getting paid per hour. CLICK HERE if you’re interested. I remember this well because after I posted this my own Dad read it and asked me if I felt like that towards him.
Thanks to all of you who sent your comments about this Home Camping idea (you can see the comments of this article on the Travelingboy.com website. If you’re not doing anything in particular, why not do a little bonding with someone you love? Then tell me about it.
TGIF people!
This is the campfire joke which I will share with my grandkids on Saturday.
Video of the Week
Thanks to Mel of Washington, D.C.
Thanks to Kathy of Bend, Oregon
June 19, 2021 at 3:12 pm
Hi bro,
Good luck but most importantly have fun with the grandkids.
June 19, 2021 at 3:12 pm
Have a great camping weekend and you are saving gas by doing it in your living room. Loved the camp fire story and video of the day. I suspected the tap water filling some of those exotic bottles for some time and have pulled that on my Kids and Grand Kids. I am back in Connecticut for Graduation and Court of Honor for my youngest Grandson. Sure is green back here in Ridgefield, plenty of water, ponds and lakes.
Thanks, Tom of Pasadena
June 19, 2021 at 3:13 pm
Enjoy your weekend.
June 19, 2021 at 3:14 pm
Hi Campout Gramps,
You went to Aldi’s. Right? I couldn’t pass up the 79 cents eggs either. Once they were down to 39 cents a dozen! Limit 3 to a customer. Have you been to Phillippe’s in Downtown Los Angeles?. When I go I always add a Hardboiled egg pickled in Beet Juice to go along with my Lamb French Dip sandwich. Yummo! They are easy to make at home as well. On the Lebanese menu is Beet pickled Turnips – another Yummo! Sabroso.
My kids gave me not pink ping pong balls, but a set of them with Mustaches! Great Kids I have!
Brother Chuck
June 19, 2021 at 3:14 pm
I don’t get the joke …..
June 19, 2021 at 3:15 pm
Hi Charles,
Sorry you didn’t get it. Let me try to explain. The joke is actually a prank.
You tell a very very long story and make your audience wait and wait and they are wondering why he likes pink ping pong balls and also what does he do with them? How come they disappear? So if you are telling the story to someone, you make them think that you will explain everything in the end. But in the end, just as you are about to reveal the secret, the boy dies. So the secret dies with the buy. Even you, the story teller, have no explanation because the boy dies.
Your audience will get so mad because you made him wait and made him think about the answer when there really was no answer.
Do you get it now?
June 19, 2021 at 3:16 pm
Sick joke …..
No worries. It’s just my opinion