Raoul’s Two Cents: January 7, 2022
Covid Scare
(Disclaimer: What I am about to say is just one opinion. I do not represent any organization. I’ll be out on a limb with this one and It may be controversial. And I don’t claim to know it all. Take it with a grain of salt.)
After arriving from a Monday night meeting, I was informed that my daughter (who lives with us) might have Covid. Apparently, one of her friends she had celebrated New Year with had tested positive.
You hear about these things all the time but reality doesn’t really sink in unless you live with someone who has Covid. My first responsibility was to inform everyone I had contact with since New Year. Of course that started a chain of concern among my friends. Then I worried about confinement. Wondered if I needed to wear a facemask even inside the house … even while I slept. Wondered about touching the door handles, the dishes, the refrigerator, etc. I thought about setting up a fan directed out the window to blow out any Covid particles in her room.
This was the last thought before I went to bed. No surprise, I had a nightmare about alien lifeforms that replaced its host after contact. It was like the “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” It chased me and my family around. I asked myself “why fight it? What was the worst that could happen? Die? And then what? I’d go to heaven.” (My faith was strong even in my dream). So I stopped running. It caught me. But I didn’t really die. In fact. I just became untouchable. That’s when I woke up.
I figured Covid is like the alien trying to take over our bodies … take over our lifestyle. I also thought about the conspiracy theories about the news media, the so-called scientists, big pharma and the politicians. Some people are cashing in on our dilemma and continue to instill fear to keep their money flowing. Of course there are many other theories out there. One thing’s for sure: whoever told the lies (or backed the lies) will not admit their mistakes. For me that’s what is really frustrating. Where is justice? Can’t blame them —- why stop the lying when there are no consequences?
I learned about Omicron (being more contagious but less deadly) a week or so after it was identified. The spread was rapid but there were zero deaths (today there are only maybe 10 deaths related to Omicron out of the millions who contracted it in the whole world). Most didn’t even need hospitalization.
Many thought I was absurd. Many thought I was irresponsible to spread that lie. It’s been maybe 2 months now and the data seems to back my belief. (Let me know if your data proves otherwise). Many now say this is actually a blessing in disguise because people who contract it develop an immunity. (Immunity and not vaccine is the real solution). This immunity will spread and this could end this Covid pandemic. Good news for us. Bad news for the profiteers.
May I suggest, we listen to who and what people in the news are saying. Keep our lie detectors on and we will easily spot the money and power-hungry profiteers. Then ask ourselves why we still listen to them. How many times have they been proven wrong? Fool us once, shame on them. Fool us twice … well, you know.
My daughter seems to be back to normal. I had a slight headache but I shook it off. Everyone at home seems to be normal. I have a Covid test tomorrow. I going not for myself but for others … to make sure I am safe for them. I still wear a mask when I am out in public. I’m still careful. But I’m not scared. Are you still scared?
TGIF people!

Joke of the Week
Thanks to Meg of Whittier, CA. for this joke.

Video of the week
Not so fast. Are you really safe wearing that facemask? Thanks to Mike of New York for this disturbing video.

Parting Shots
Thanks to Peter Paul of S Pasadena, CA for these cartoons.

January 13, 2022 at 12:43 pm
Those of us who contract and survive and those who avoid Covid are fortunate. I wear a mask and have been vaxed and the rest is completely out of my control. I had a horrible flu in 1969. I did not know where is was for days. My parents were out here fir the winter so they took care of me and the kids. Because of this, I have never got the flu since then or anything else and I believe I’m immune to flu but I still take precautions.
January 13, 2022 at 12:44 pm
Raoul–the cartoons have been really, really good lately.
I do enjoy your blogs. The most interesting takeaway I have from it is the detail with which you remembered
your dream and you remembered it to its conclusion. I seldom dream, or seldom remember, maybe, but when
I do remember, I remember very little. So while I liked the blog, makes sense, is fairly consistent with what I
believe, so the part that got to me was the dream. Whatever!
Happy New Year, to you! too. I’ve already sent the ‘mummy’ joke off to an English friend.
January 13, 2022 at 12:44 pm
Love your story!!
Follow the money and trust your gut!!
thank you for sharing!
the cartoon with the overweight dog and the Vet..is FUUUUUUNNNYYY-I say(what the Vet says) that to my husband all the time! My dog is starting to look like an ottoman…my husband takes him on a Strooooolll..actually less than a stroll when he walks him!! And he wonders why our dog is getting more and more round! Wahhaahhaaa!!!
Have a great weekend.
January 13, 2022 at 12:45 pm
Thanks Raoul. Good to hear all is well after the worry and concern. This Covid scare has affected life adversely in many ways. I am hoping and praying for a solution . Tom
January 13, 2022 at 12:45 pm
Hi Raoul,
Interesting comments on the Covid virus. I am glad you daughter is doing well and you survived your nightmare. When we were at Atherton, Mary made a pie and we had two residents in our apartment for pie and coffee and while they were there two other neighbors came in to say something. They subsequently found out that they had contact with another resident at Atherton who visited with a woman who came down with covid-19. All of that to say, we were all quarantined for two weeks at Atherton. None of us caught anything. Oh the joys! Aren’t you glad that now all of the experts and the president agree on the cause and cure of the covid 19, Delta, and Omicron. Even I can understand their conclusions. They all agree now that they do not know the time of day and they continue to make life miserable for everyone!