Port Hueneme is a hidden gem on the California coast. Tucked between a naval base and a large port, the oceanfront town in Ventura County is easy to pass on the freeway, but as I recently learned, it is well worth an overnight visit.
Port Hueneme is a hidden gem on the California coast. Tucked between a naval base and a large port, the oceanfront town in Ventura County is easy to pass on the freeway, but as I recently learned, it is well worth an overnight visit.
Channel Islands National Park won the Gold Award for Guide/Travel Book at the PubWest Book Design Awards. The PubWest Book Design Awards recognize superior design and outstanding production quality of books throughout North America.
They came by the thousands. It was not the first time, nor would it be the last. These were young Americans, many of whom who had never lived more than forty-miles from their place of birth. This all changed with the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Most of the U.S. military bases were located in California and the recruits were shipped to an unfamiliar landscape of wide-open spaces, eternal sunshine, crystal-clear ocean waters and groves of citrus trees...