Home Tag Archives: funeral

Tag Archives: funeral

Funeral Songs

Raoul's 2 Cents: If you had a cure for cancer would you keep it to yourself? Would you sell it? Make a profit from it? Let's turn things around. If someone were selling it, would you buy it? At what price? Sky's the limit? Would you take it? Would you be suspicious if it were free? These are no longer hypothetical questions. We face the same questions

Camel Thoughts

Joke of the Week preview: Camel Talk

There is a daddy camel and a little boy camel. One day, the little boy turns and asks his daddy, "Daddy why do we have such long eyelashes?" The dad replies, "Well son, its to keep out the sand from our eyes when there is a sandstorm."

Wife Sharing

Wife Texting preview

Hi Mark, This is Tom next door. I've got a confession to make. I've been riddled with guilt for a few months and have been trying to get the courage to tell you face-to-face.