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Tag Archives: La Strada

The Film Soundtracks in Our Lives

In this T-Boy article, please consider it to be an invitation to join me on a personal journey in search of the source of many of the cinema's most popular musical soundtracks. I've tried to make the categories specific, where the composer worked with the director before the film was shot, or used a pre-existing composition after the movie was in the can. Categories also include the innovation of using songs in films that have not been done before. I hope this makes sense once you see the line-up of film soundtracks on the list, where you'll also notice that there are many others not included which would make the list too long - so here's a few below:

The Rimini of Fellini: The Fellini of Rimini

From the waterfront road, I could wander down any short side street and then pass through abandoned play lots, vacant volleyball courts, rows of empty changing facilities, shuttered beach bars and cordoned-off areas normally packed elbow-to-elbow. The tourist season was long gone, most of the waterfront was shut down and I felt like the only one around.