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Tag Archives: lessons

Adoption Question

Raoul’s Two Cents: Home Camping I’ve always wished my Dad or my grand Dad would have spent more time with me when I was growing up. I wish I had more talks with my own kids. I kept on postponing until the opportunity ceased to present itself. I realize now that one has to be deliberate about these teachable moments. …

The Hike of Lessons Learned

three friends on a hike to Mt. Baldy

In early 2015, a group of my friends decided to hike up Mt. Whitney, a peak of 14,505 feet in the Eastern Sierras of California. The idea came from our buddy John Marsden. He often was the catalyst of our adventures, and he liked it when his friends could join him on these trips. Many of us in this circle of friends were hikers, and have even done hikes together.