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Tag Archives: Star Trek

Ernesto the Pool Boy

I picked up my grandson from school the other day. He was dressed sharply and every strand of his hair was in its proper place. He carried a small pouch just big enough to carry his notebook, pen and cell phone. He was very proud of himself because he was among the select few who had gone on a field trip for Leadership training. What a surprise.

Funny Lizard

February is an interesting month here in America. It's jam packed with events like Ground Hog Day, Chinese Lunar New Year, Superbowl Sunday, Abe Lincoln's birthday, Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day, Ash Wednesday, Susan B. Anthony's birthday, National Flag Day of Canada, President's Day (George Washington's birthday) and Leap Day (Feb 29 --- an extra day which happens every 4 years). February is also Black History Month -- wait! Why are the African Americans the only race (in this melting pot of races) that has a month dedicated to them? Is this fair? Who decided these things?

The Yawn

Water --- what a great invention. Life wouldn't exist without it. I remember the first time I was conscious of the effects of rain was right after a storm in the Philippines. We had an outside fish pond filled with goldfish. When it overflowed with rain water, the goldfish escaped into the street canals. The neighboring kids were excited to find colorful goldfish in the sewers. The streets were cleaned of debris. The tree trunks were drenched and dark. The birds were busy feeding on the earthworms that emerged from the soaked soil. My older brother and I raced our paper boats in the canal rapids. Everything was clean. Zero pollution.

Just Twain Ugly

My high school just had a reunion but I wasn't able to attend. Thankfully, my classmates shared pictures. I recognized but a handful of people. The rest were senior strangers. I looked at the ugly guy in the mirror and I surprised even myself. My classmates wouldn't have recognized me if I bumped into them. Before it was just my baldness but now I'm noticing the age spots, the wrinkles, and especially the puffiness around my eyes.

Athletic Hippos

The big event for me this week is the birth of my granddaughter! We're so thankful for our healthy bundle of joy and her healthy Mom. She's everything we prayed for … down to the dimples. I have friends who have difficulty getting pregnant and others who experienced complications so I don't take this gift for granted. God is good.

New Year’s Resolution

We often greet each other with a "Happy New Year" but there are new years when it's anything but happy --- especially knowing that the coming year isn't going to get any better. I believe we are in that scenario. I don't know anyone who is optimistic about the months ahead. Let's try to remember that even now, there is hope … there is always a silver lining somewhere.

What I Want for Christmas

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was a night like any other night. Me and my fellow shepherds were watching over our flock of sheep. Suddenly, a guy appeared out of nowhere. And he said: “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.”

Christmas Riddles

At one time there were a lot of Christians in Turkey. In fact, the apostle Paul had planted some of the earliest churches like Ephesus and Antioch in that country which is today 99% Muslim. So where did the Christians go? Simply stated, I guess they were bullied out. In fact, the Christians and followers of other religions in Turkey are in hiding for fear of their lives. How ironic that Saint Nick would be beheaded in his own country today.

2 Kinds of Flu

Oliver was crossing the street Sunday night. Suddenly, with his peripheral vision, he noticed a huge object headed straight for him --- a brand new Toyota Tacoma with the headlights turned off was about to run him down. With seconds to spare he twisted his body just enough to put both of his hands on the hood of the truck. The impact propelled him on top of the truck and then his body rolled over to the pavement.

The Get Better Card

My life flashed before me (in a good way) last night. I picked up my old dusty Bible that my wife gifted to me back in 1995 as a Father's Day present. I had put it aside for several years because the book binding had given up on the pages and the wrinkled sheets kept on falling off. I'm one of those who abuse books --- I underline, write notes and even draw pictures (lots of them because I'm a visual learner) on the margins and in between columns. Reading my desecrated notes, I was impressed at the insights from my "quiet time" and the many teachers that passed on their scriptural wisdom to me. What a joy! What a treasure! Many of my notes were written when my kids were still under 10 years old. I carried that Bible as well as the many milk bottles and toys we had to drag along whenever we went out. No wonder it got beat up.

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