Home Raoul's TGIF Checklist for Joy

Checklist for Joy

Raoul’s Two Cents: November 5, 2021

Another Long Week

As you read this, I will probably be in La Jolla, CA beside the beach. No, I won’t be soaking in the sun. I will be resting in our hotel room while my wife attends a company retreat. Because of my wife’s work activities, I have traveled to several US tourist areas. I guess you can call it a blessing. But I enjoy a nice conversation more than any travel.

Take these past few days for example, I had a brief reunion with my Australian friend over breakfast. She and her husband were rushing to the airport so we only had an hour to chat. I could have spent the whole day with them.

Wednesday, I held my first Bible study with 3 young men. We started on the book of James who was Jesus’ half brother. (Some people don’t believe Jesus had any siblings but I respectfully disagree because scriptural passages prove otherwise.) And if you know anything about James, you know he’s all about action and not just words. We dug deep and we’re looking forward to digging deeper in the weeks to follow.

It was Indoor Camping # 2 with the grand kids the past weekend. Things didn’t turn out exactly as planned. It was still fun. Let’s just say there was a mixup of itineraries and we spent a lot of time with dog Halloween activities. I did get to share the Parable of the Talents and the Parable of the Soils before bedtime. We practiced my composition but we didn’t sound good. (It’s embarrassing to share). I mean, was I asking too much? I had grandkid #1 playing the drums, grandkid #2 playing keyboard. Just because they had never played their instruments before is no excuse to sound awful, right? I’m glad my daughter was able to sing with us. She and I will be practicing with some other local musicians this Sunday for a performance next Thursday at the Veteran’s Day celebration.

How was your week? Busy? I’m happy but I guess you can tell that I’m also tired. La Jolla will be so nice.

TGIF people! I’ll send you a postcard from La Jolla. Not!


Joke of the Week

Thanks to Maling of New Manila, Philippines for this joke.

Art by Raoul Pascual

Video of the Week

Thanks to Maling of New Manila, Philippines. This is just a simply fun video. No translation needed.


Parting Shots

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA.

Thanks to Mel of Washington. DC

Thanks to Rodney of Manitoba, B.C.

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA. I guess the season has started.

Thanks to Peter Paul of S Pasadena

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  1. Lois

    November 19, 2021 at 4:34 pm

    Loved today’s TGIF. My daughters and I really enjoyed your comment: “Just because they had never played their instruments before is no excuse to sound awful, right?”

    We also laughed until we cried at the joke about “Just Speed Up a bit — you got this.”


  2. Rick

    November 19, 2021 at 4:35 pm

    Enjoy your much deserved break and weekend!


  3. Heather

    November 19, 2021 at 4:36 pm

    Enjoy your weekend.


  4. Albert

    November 19, 2021 at 4:37 pm

    Hi, Raoul. It’s good to take a break from the usual routine. I had mine just a few days ago. My wife and I are in Seattle right now. What was supposed to be a trip to help out my sis-in-law after a scheduled complex foot surgery turned out to be a dud. The surgery had to be cancelled because she apparently tested + for Covid. Needless to say, we all had to scramble to get tested and we all were negative, including my sis-in-law. The surgery couldn’t be rescheduled any time soon. Thus, we had close to 2 weeks of just sitting in place and filling our time- in Seattle. My mind went wandering and I thought, how about travelling? I scrolled my brain about places I haven’t been to and always wanted to visit but are safe during this Covid times. Portugal popped in my head! In 2 days, we got our tickets, hotel, and trip planned. We almost hit a roadblock because my bro-in-law and I misconstrued Portugal’s Covid test requirements. Come to find out that US vax cards are NOT recognized by many EU countries. With 1.5 hours left before boarding time on the plane, we got Covid tested(at a steep price!) at an airport facility. Long story short: we( my wife, my bro n sis-in- law and their son) made it and got on our flight to Lisbon(transit thru AMS). The best trips are the unplanned ones. We hit the buses, trains, and Uber and hit all the main spots in Lisbon and nearby. The people there are so friendly, congenial, and so very helpful. Covid mandates are non-issues there. 90% vax rate, low Covid mortality, and universal masking are being followed. No drama around those issues. Quite a contrast vs USA. Just talking with the cab/Uber drivers, bellhop, and shopkeepers there reveal so much of their lives there. One female Uber driver succinctly wrapped it up for me: she said, I don’t work here, I LIVE here.

    It was a wonderful 7 day “on-the-fly” vacation!


  5. Tom

    November 19, 2021 at 4:37 pm

    Thanks Raoul, EnjoyLa Jolla it is beautiful there. I enjoy hearing people pronouncing it from the East Coast. Good to hear you are getting ready for Veterans Day. City of Pasadena has organized a todo at the City Hall with Flyover by some WWII Aircraft and playing of taps with a Generals speech.
    I attend every year and stand at attention and salute when they play the Coast Guard Hymn. SEMPER PARATUS. Always Ready in English.

    Take care. Tom of Pasadena


  6. Betty of Australia

    November 19, 2021 at 4:37 pm

    Enjoy your holiday! Sure, it was a long week and I felt tired yesterday , being Friday. Stay safe🙏


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