Home Raoul's TGIF Psychic Prayers

Psychic Prayers

Raoul’s Two Cents: September 1, 2023

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like September

I got a lot of work done and so I’m down to my last ounce of strength for today. No astounding mind-blowing insight today … barely even able to keep my eyes open … yawn. Did I tell you that my mind goes all over the place when I’m sleepy? You’d think I was drunk. Here are just a few things that I want to share before I hit the sack.

I’m bald again. Got my buzz cut Tuesday morning. My Korean barber finally understood what I meant when I said “buzz cut” and (I must say) this is probably the best buzz cut I’ve ever had. Wanna hear something funny? I was wearing my ultra white T-shirt and and noticed some people were staring at me. I thought maybe I was getting my old “magnetism” going but when I glanced at the mirror, my ego took a nose dive because I saw bald-headed Mr. Clean. Yup! That’s definitely why they were staring at me.

And then I started singing “Ho Ho Ho — Greeeen Giant!” Wait! That’s NOT Mr. Clean’s tag line. That’s Green Giant Sweet Peas! Have you ever noticed how similar those two mascots are? They could be brothers. Weird! (I’m definitely falling asleep!)

Hard to believe it’s already September cuz it’s still sizzlin’ hot here in Los Angeles, CA (reached 103 degrees a few days ago) but they say it’s going to start cooling down. I hear it’s flooding in the Florida area … as well as in South East Asia. So who am I to complain?

Tomorrow, Friday, I’m getting my new bifocal glasses. Yay! I’ll be able to see! Also getting my hearing checked. Yay! I’ll be able to hear! (Oh the joy of knowing your body parts need replacement!). We have band practice in the afternoon. Yay! I’ll be able to sing and play my guitar! Speaking of music, did you know that September 1 is the start of Christmas in the Philippines? Christmas carols have already started blasting on the radio.

And with that note, it’s time to sleep. I’ll be dreaming of a white —- Greeeeen Giant!

Good night! See you in the morning!

TGIF People!

There’s no clean like Mr. Clean”
— Slogan of Mr. Clean


Thanks to Tom of Pasadena. This week’s email is dedicated to Mary Diane.
Tom used to sing “My Diane” to her to sweep her off her feet.

Original art by Raoul Pascual.

Parting Shots

Thanks to Mike of New York

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre. CA

I found these
Not a joke but something to think about.

The Traveling Boy

My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with these.


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  1. Tom

    September 1, 2023 at 8:25 am

    Thanks Mr. Clean , I appreciate your honor. Tom of Pasadena


  2. Heather

    September 1, 2023 at 8:26 am

    Is it too soon to say have a great Christmas and a happy new year?


  3. Larry

    September 1, 2023 at 8:28 am

    Welcome to the bald brotherhood and the world of glasses. You said your “buzzcut” was not as severe as mine. You don’t know but I ditched the bifocals.


  4. Oscar

    September 1, 2023 at 8:28 am

    Good morning Raoul. TGIF! That’s cool that in the Philippines they start Christmas today!


  5. Vijie of Taiwan

    September 1, 2023 at 8:30 am

    I truly enjoyed today’s TGIF jokes.


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