Home Raoul's TGIF Drawing the Flight to Egypt

Drawing the Flight to Egypt

Raoul’s 2 Cents

Grown Up Christian Wish

A good friend called me yesterday and told me he was in dire financial straits. Another one called and he too was facing dwindling resources. They have been in my thoughts and prayers ever since.

We are in the season of discounts and holiday sales. People are marching out of the malls with their conquests on their shopping carts. But I’m sure there are many others like my friends who can only watch and wish. The lavish parade of happy shoppers only compounds their misery.

I think of the thousands of Californians who have lost their homes in the recent forest fires. They’re in a different level of desperation. What will Christmas be like for them?

Moving a scale upwards, I also talked to a fellow entrepreneur who owns 5 convenience store franchises. He said people think he’s rich but he just gets by. In fact, he isn’t making any money in one of his branches. Yet one of his employees sued him for the flimsiest of reasons thanks to the encouragement of an opportunistic lawyer. The employee was desperate for cash and thought he was entitled to the owner’s “wealth.” Who do you weep for?

There will always be rich and there will always be poor. Those who are UP will find comfort looking at those who are DOWN … that is, until they look UP and realize they are actually DOWN. But when they see how unhappy those who are UP really are, then they are content to be where they are. It’s just human nature to compare. So where is truth? For sure, it isn’t in emotions that swing its pendulum positively and negatively depending on the time of day. There is a reality … and it’s God’s reality. And His reality is this: We are precious in His sight. Even in times of struggles (for they will surely come) He is there.

Sure, “God is good and He is aware of our situation” but lofty declarations like that seem to get lost when the reality of debt stares us in the face. I admit the line where Faith begins isn’t obvious. But what is obvious is it’s “Soul-Searching” Time. Finances are important but they are still material … they are temporary. What happens to the soul is eternal. Perhaps God uses these predicaments to draw our focus back to Him — “seek ye first the kingdom of God and ALL these things will be added unto you.” Just because this is hard to grasp doesn’t mean it isn’t true. (And I need to remind myself of this all the time.)

We can learn from the apostle Paul’s letter. He was writing in the midst of his own suffering in prison and he had the “audacity” to comfort the Philippian church with these words:

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through HIM who gives me strength.”  — Philippians 4:11

If you can, please throw a bone … or even throw a whole turkey …  to someone in need. It will be a slight inconvenience to you; but to them, it will mean the world. And when we are faced with an impossible situation, it’s time to call on Him — the solution to the impossibilities of life.

But this is just me.

TGIF people!

Joke of the Week

Communication Problem

Shared by Tom of Pasadena, CA

Joke of t he Week: Flight to Egypt

To be honest, when I was a kid and saw that title in the Bible, I didn’t understand what “Flight” meant. I also thought it had something to do with an airplane. — Raoul

Videos of the Week

funny video

Italian Grandma Meets “Hey Google”
Sent by Mike of New York

Cute video of a senior trying to make friends with technology.


Feel Good videoLauren Daigle Sings Noel
Sent by Charlie of New Jersey

I never heard of her but was blown away by her voice. Actually, Charlie sent me another video of her singing “Winter Wonderland” but I couldn’t find the URL so this will have to do. I discovered she has a Christmas album — sounds like a good one.


Don’s Puns

From Don’s collection of puns

Don's Puns: Deep Thoughts of the Day

Good Thoughts

Sent by Rodney of Manitoba, B.C.

Good Thoughts: Why the dog is happier

Parting Shot

Thanks to Tom who shared this photo

Parting Shot: Autocorrect

Hey, do me a favor. Get your copy of the brand new Traveling Boy Joke Book. It’s pocket size and is perfect for a stocking stuffer. It’s about $10 only, unique and … ideal for your office mate or business friend.

The Misadventures of Traveling Boy

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