Raoul’s Two Cents: April 21, 2023
Question: What is a sure sign you’re past your prime?
Answer: When you get domesticated.
These past weeks, with my wife gone visiting her Mom, I’ve been walking our dogs around the neighborhood. Since then, I’ve gotten to know my neighbors so much more. If you ever want to run for office, owning a dog is one way of meeting people and getting votes. I get all the local news — crime, home repairs, trusted handymen, best places to eat, and the pooping habits of pets. For instance:
- I know that Emiliano (a young kid who used to kick his soccer ball on the wall) broke the window pane in their house and he now has to pay over $100 from his allowance.
- Everybody hates this reckless young man who doesn’t pick up after his 200 pound monstrosity of a Boxer. “Who does he think he is?” inquired an angry resident.
- The reason Jeanett doesn’t let her French poodle run around anymore is because her dog slipped her disc when she ran too fast.
- Don’t underestimate Drake, a slow moving old bloodhound because his sense of smell is incredibly powerful. Believe it or not, “he smelled a chicken bone a block away,” said his master proudly.
- The reason no one seems to live in a brand new house at the corner is because it’s rumored to be a safehouse for the Chinese spies.
Yes, I know my neighbors and my neighbors know me. Indeed, when the urge to get ahead in your career is replaced by the curiosity of the name of your neighbor’s pet, you know life’s beginning to slow down. You’re domesticated.
My daughter saw me walking the dogs with my unkempt hair, baggy sweat pants and oversized sweater. She said I looked like an old man wobbling down the street. Her remark startled me. I used to think I would never grow old but seeing myself from her eyes, I knew she was right. But you know what? It’s not so bad. I actually like my new persona.
So don’t worry about that white strand of hair or that new wrinkle. Don’t waste your money on a pound of makeup or worse! — plastic surgery! — just to end up looking like a weird expressionless alien from Hollywood. Embrace your transition into the domesticated army. It’s a lot more fun!
TGIF people!

Joke of the Week
Thanks to Bob of Whittier, CA

Video of the week
Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

in Singapore.
Some very good and practical advice
if you plan to live in
Singapore or some other Asian country.
Parting Shots
Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

I found these

My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with these.

Betty from Australia
April 24, 2023 at 1:41 pm
That’s right…. So keep counting!!! Enjoy life!
April 24, 2023 at 1:41 pm
Hey Bro,
Whether it be walking the dog or cleaning up the front yard, I come back inside so much more informed. 🤓
Thanks for making me laugh!
Have a good weekend,
April 24, 2023 at 1:42 pm
Yep! Getting old isn’t for sissies.
April 24, 2023 at 1:43 pm
I can tell that you are not in your 80’s! That is when age becomes a full-time job! Not many in that age group think the pills, visits to physicians, and having kids who think you aren’t capable of making informed decisions about your present or future. Oh the joys of it all! I still walk 5 miles/day at a brisk pace and do exercises to stay in shape, but in the last few years I got stuck taking pills daily (never took even a pill until 5 years ago!). That gray hair is not competing with having no hair. Not sure which will win, but the race is on. You are probably aware that those in my age group are the largest carrier of AIDS in America. We have hearing aids, band aids, walking aids, sleeping aids, and the list goes on! Enjoy what you can do as long as you can and ask God for the ability to deal with the loss of what used to be. Getting old is getting to be a full-time job! —Lee
April 24, 2023 at 1:43 pm
Age is just a number lol
April 24, 2023 at 1:43 pm
Good morning Raoul, Lol I love talking to my neighbors and their too , some of their dogs like some don’t , Reminds me of my Electrical Meter Reading days . But all my neighbors are cool . I really like this area . I’ve always wanted to live in up town Whittier but La Mirada is looking pretty good . Will see what the Lord does. God bless brother.