Raoul’s Two Cents: October 20, 2023
Display City: Washington D.C.
I visited my aunt in Washington DC. My plan was to visit all the museums DC had to offer but, by the 3rd day, I was exhausted because I traveled by subway and by foot.
Note: If you plan to go here, do enough exercise to prepare for a marathon. Here’s a map of some of the places I visited.

I was planning to list the different exhibits but I realized there are just too many to jot down; so let me just give you my overall impression.
Washington DC, is a smorgasbord of museums. I stayed there for a week but even that was not enough time to go through all that DC has to offer. There are sites to see both inside (the museums) and outside (Lincoln Memorial, the Korean and Vietnam War Memorials, the WW II Memorial, the MLK Jr Memorial, etc.). Most of them are free. The ones that you have to pay to get in (like the Spy Museum, the Holocaust, Memorial Museum, the Museum of the Bible, etc.) are privately funded and the entrance is usually about $30.
It’s hard to figure the logic of the roads near the Washington Monument but it helps to imagine a spider web where the Washington Monument is in the center and all the streets are radiating from that (that’s why there are a lot of wedges and curved streets). If you look at Google Maps there isn’t too much detail and I think that’s done on purpose for security reasons. Traveling by foot I noticed buildings and organizations I never even knew existed. Another good visual to start a map in your head is to envision a rectangular shape from the Lincoln Memorial to the World War II Memorial to the Washington Monument and to the US Capitol building. I figured the best way to get around was to simply ask the locals.

There is majesty in the design and size of the buildings. And there is serenity in the open spaces. There is endless variety in the themes of each exhibit. There are priceless paintings, sculptures and furniture that remind you of the hardship of eras long gone by that brought about the birth of a new nation. Different ethnicities — African, Asian, European, South American — cry out to be heard. Fossils, stuffed animals/birds and insects reminded me of Noah’s ark; while airplanes and rocket ships made me wonder what else God has hidden for us to discover.
There was so much to absorb for visitors like me that I found myself rushing and taking endless pictures to be appreciated back home. There were no seats nor benches to pause and breathe in the masterpieces. It was as if the museums were designed to herd the tourists through as quickly as possible.
Aside from the exhibits, I had to remember that this “little town” is the heart of America. Inside the surrounding buildings powerful leaders were making decisions that would resonate around the nation and rest of the world. The Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial branches are in close proximity to each other — hey, what’s that I smell? Corruption? Off with their heads! How I wish our leaders are still in awe of their huge responsibility to mankind.
Whatever your race, skin color, gender, age, religion or political party, when you go to DC, you can be proud of the tapestry of our country — the great political experiment called the United States of America.
TGIF People!
“In known history, nobody has had such capacity for altering the universe than the people of the United States of America. And nobody has gone about it in such an aggressive way.” — Alan Watts
“If they hear and serve Him,
They will end their days in prosperity
And their years in pleasures.” – Job 36:11
Thanks to Clinton of Arizona

Parting Shots
Thanks to Maling of New Manila, Philippines

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre. CA

I found these

The Traveling Boy
My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with these.

October 24, 2023 at 10:26 am
I’ve been enjoying your Friday emails for a long time, years …
After reading your comment about our legislators in Washington, DC I thought of this quote which you may have already heard:
“The government should be afraid of the people, not the people of the government.”
-Abraham Lincoln
October 24, 2023 at 10:27 am
Great Issue. Glad you enjoyed Washington DC. I loved my visit there. Tom
October 24, 2023 at 10:27 am
Ha ha
October 24, 2023 at 10:27 am
Yep! That city is a site to see and yes, just like Disneyland there’s no where to sit except on a ride!
October 24, 2023 at 10:28 am
Yes, nice trip. But did you stop at Boun Apetite, aka The Bone?
Best way to get around DC is still with a bike. Too much Mall for walking.
Glad you got to visit our past home. Hope your Aunt is well.
Seriously , did you eat well while you were there? Monglian Barbecue at Tony Chen’s?
Welcome back.
Best regards,