Home Audrey’s Travel Recipes Zsa Zsa Gabor’s Dracula Goulash Recipe

Zsa Zsa Gabor’s Dracula Goulash Recipe

Audrey's Recipes

Zsa Zsa GaborLong before there was Paris Hilton, there was her aunt, Zsa Zsa Gabor, and the face and body that launched a thousand marriages (well eight). In 1986 She married Prince Frederic von Anhalt, who was with her until her death in 2016. She became a princess, by virtue of this marriage, but some would say she has always been a royal pain in the ….rear.

Two of my favorite quotes from Zsa Zsa are “I just want to find a man who is kind and understanding, is that too much to ask in a millionaire?” The other was when she was doing a film and the director asked her if she had memorized her lines. She replied “I have 12 costume changes in the show, I don’t have time to worry about the lines.”

Despite her beauty, Zsa Zsa knows how to cook.

“Dahlings, this is the dish I use to catch a man. And if I want to get rid of him I stop making it. It’s one of Hungary’s national dishes and it’s so good that even when you serve it with caviar, your guests will rave about the goulash. Try it, it’s my favorite.”

  • 2 red onions, sliced
  • 3 lbs. stewing pork
  • 3 lbs. stewing beef
  • 2 smoked Hungarian (or Polish) sausages
  • 4 pounds pre-washed sauerkraut
  • a handful of caraway seeds
  • Hungarian red paprika
  • 2 cups of sour cream
  • olive oil or butter
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • fresh parsley
  • bottle of red wine

Get a big stewing pot.

Finely chop the red onion and saute with olive oil or butter until translucent. Add the pork and beef. Season with salt, pepper and three tablespoons of paprika (you must use Hungarian paprika or don’t bother making this dish).

Turn the meat mixture and cook for 10 minutes. Add more paprika and 1/2 small container of caraway seeds. Pour in a bottle of red wine. Cook out the alcohol.

Wash and drain four pounds of good quality sauerkraut in a colander. Add to the meat mixture, cover and stew for about 2 hours.

Cut sausages into half inch pieces and add to mixture and bring up to heat. Add enough paprika to make the stew red. Cover and cook for 15 minutes.

Add a cup of sour cream. Stir in and adjust seasonings.

Serve in bowls garnished with sour cream and a little chopped parsley. Serves 10 hungry Americans or 8 dieting Hungarians.

“Dahlings, make sure you serve Dracula Goulash with a rich red wine. In Hungary we serve it with Bull’s Blood wine. And watch out, this dish will stir you man’s blood as well. Enjoy!”

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One Comment

  1. John

    April 15, 2024 at 7:42 pm

    That is the worst recipe and directions in how to make the dish I’ve ever seen. There’s no measurements… for any of thr ingredients. “1/2 a small container of caraway seeds” uhm… you do realize containers come in more than one size, even small containers. “Cover and stew for about 2 hours” Really? Stew at what temperature?!? “Poor in a bottle of red wine” Again, really? What kind of red wine? Merlot? Pinot Noir? Cabernet Sauvignon? “Meat mixture” Seriously at this point… what kind of pork? What kind of beef? “Cut sausages into half inch pieces and add to mixture and bring up to heat” Wow actually did good with the sausage description, bring up to heat? What temperature!?! If you’re gonna put a recipe out there, then be specific enough so people can actually prepare and make it correctly. They shouldn’t be guessing when it comes to a recipe.


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