Home Uncategorized Protected: Christmas 2021
  • Just Twain Ugly

    My high school just had a reunion but I wasn't able to attend. Thankfully, my classmates s…
  • 30 Thousand Words

    I stared at the wrinkles in his face. Age spots have replaced the teenage pimples on his c…
  • She Stared at My Lips

    Late Thursday night and I'm stuck staring at my monitor wondering what to share to my TGIF…
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  • The Red Dot

    Would you recognize a miracle when it comes knocking at your door? Last Tuesday morning a …
  • Annoyances

    If you keep up with the news, I betcha you're just as frustrated as I am. You think you kn…
  • Cockroach Infestation

    It's July 4th as I prepare this email. Do you think I'd spend time away from my wife just …
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The Red Dot

Would you recognize a miracle when it comes knocking at your door? Last Tuesday morning a …