Home Raoul's TGIF Covid Cabin Fever

Covid Cabin Fever

Raoul’s 2 Cents

Age Adjustment

It’s hard to believe the Christmas break is over… hard to believe 2020 is over… hard to believe I’m not as young as my mind thinks I am.

There is a saying that people’s self-image is transfixed on their prime years. We think we can still jump and run like we did back in our twenties. That’s why it’s always a shock to see the old person in front of the mirror. I confess that I often dream about my childhood years and the characters in my dream are people from my youth. In my dreams I still live in my childhood home. How weird is that?

Hollywood is a prime source of age-deniers. Can you blame them?  Maybe they hear me when I watch old movies and point out how much older the actors are today. Maybe that’s why actors are suckers for plastic surgeries.

I admit I too was a denier. When that bald spot started to expand its boundaries I researched for hair solutions. When I started to look like a frog with a bad case of botox because of the puffiness around my eyes, I asked my ophthalmologist to have it removed. But he looked at it and said it would require an expensive plastic surgery.

He uttered a key word — EXPENSIVE. Only Holly-weirdos do that! And that slapped me into accepting the inevitable force of gravity.

I figured out a strange balance of scales: With age, our physical bodies go down but wisdom from experience goes up. (At least we like to think so). We have a choice: 1) to devote our time searching for the fountain of youth or 2) to embrace our age and share our life lessons with friends and the younger generation. Maybe that’s why I love conversations. With older people, I have so much to learn. With younger people, I have so much to share.  Life is exciting no matter what age. How cool is that?

Be safe, be healthy, and remember: You can’t help getting old but you don’t have to get old. TGIF people!


“I’m not getting old. I’m getting better!”
— Shirley Bassey

Joke of the Week

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C.  for sharing this joke.

TGIF Joke of the Week: Covid Cabin Fever

Video: Family Photo Session

Thanks to Naomi of North Hollywood, CA

Pun Time

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, BC who sent this pun

Don's Puns: Foul Language

Parting Shots

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Parting Shots: Things I Hate

Thanks to Rodney of Manitoba, B.C.

Parting Shots: Good Thoughts

Thanks to Mel of Washington, D.C.

Parting Shots: Doing Nothing


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  1. Reggie

    February 6, 2021 at 4:41 am



  2. David

    February 6, 2021 at 4:42 am

    My favorite line:

    I’m not old, I’m just ahead of you.”

    Be safe and well.

    Best regards,

    David in Boston


  3. Teri

    February 6, 2021 at 4:42 am

    ❤️ I always start the year with a birthday- thanks for the precious reminder!



  4. Heather

    February 6, 2021 at 4:43 am



  5. Tom

    February 6, 2021 at 4:43 am

    Thanks Raoul. Age Adjustment is just what we need. Especially in this time of travail and Quarantine. Tom of Pasadena


  6. Heather

    February 6, 2021 at 4:44 am

    You marry your best friend, you raised children together that you’ll always be proud of, surround yourself with loving and caring friends AND have a foundation in faith and love the work that all your life experiences have led you to, YOU ARE A SUCCESS MY FRIEND. The intersections of our lives where new friends drop into our lives that we just know that the Lord continues to bless you with a life long friend that accepts you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! That’s the category you and I fall into@ Ain’t it great? XOXOXOXO Heather


  7. Tom 2 of Pasadena

    August 18, 2021 at 2:30 pm

    Plastic surgery???

    Just wear your anti-COVID mask and you’ll be as good looking as all of us folks smart enough to wear ours.

    Here’s hoping 2021 is a lot better for us all.



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