Raoul’s Two Cents: July 6, 2023
AI for Love and War
I’ve been studying Artificial Intelligence. Although I’m far from being an expert, I think I know my way around. So I volunteered to give a talk on the “Pandora’s Box of Artificial Intelligent Art” at the La Habra Art Gallery this July 16. Come on down if you’re interested and available. It might be a bit technical but I hope to give a demo on how you can avail of the Art technology today. Even if AI is above your pay grade, you’ll see what the process is like and you will see how far advanced we’ve come.

151 W. La Habra Blvd.
La Habra, CA 90631
During my research, I was drawn towards stories of the aggressive military stance of the Chinese communist regime — bullying its way closer to global domination. These guys are building war ships, fighter planes, battle ships, submarines and armies at an alarming rate … most probably for hostile reasons. I was getting discouraged because of the seemingly passive nature of the leaders of the free world.
And then I chanced to see a video about this kid — Palmer Luckey. Surprised I never heard about him before; but from the little I learned so far, I think he’s the next Elon Musk — an entrepreneurial genius who doesn’t fit the mold of the other tech gurus who focus on the niceties of social media and increasing memberships and the number of “likes”. Facebook (ie. Mark Zuckerberg) offered to buy his company Oculus a VR (Virtual Reality) hardware/software startup for $1 Billion but (then) 20 year old Luckey refused. After much “massaging” and time later, FB offered more than double that. Palmer gave in, sold it but soon got fired because he and Zuckerberg didn’t see eye to eye on some issues. So Palmer created a new company Anduril Systems (“a defense systems company that builds weapons”). He built and sold drones that attack hostile drones, developed an AI surveillance for the border. And he still has several other products up his sleeve. I think he may be the solution to the heavy Chinese weaponry.
I won’t waste your time with a lengthy article. Just go to Youtube and search his name and you’ll be impressed.
In a world where the aging champions of Silicon Valley have plateaued in creativity, “kids” like Palmer make the future exciting. I’m so thankful that we’ve got someone of his caliber fighting to preserve the free world.
TGIF people!
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” — Albert Einstein
“Creativity is the greatest expression of liberty.” — Bryant McGill
“Artificial Intelligence will never be a match for natural stupidity.” — Joseph Addison
Thanks to Timothy of Pasadena, CA

Videos of the Week
Thanks to Sandra, of La Habra CA

Parting Shots
Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Not a joke but a warning.

Thanks to Maling of New Manila, Philippines

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

I found these

The Traveling Boy
My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with these.

July 7, 2023 at 4:13 pm
July 7, 2023 at 4:13 pm
Good morning bro,
Thanks for the TGIF. So true about all the information one is sharing on the back of their vehicles.
Have a good weekend!
July 7, 2023 at 4:14 pm
Sorry Raoul, we really would like to go, but we are leaving for the Philippines on the 13th of this month.
We will pray for a very successful presentation which I know you’ll do very well.
God bless.
July 7, 2023 at 4:14 pm
Thanks Raoul. AI is fascinating and I heard a discussion about it twenty years ago thinking it would never amount to anything but here it is. The video is interesting and informative.
Wow! What a monumental development it has become. Love to hear your discussion but have too many conflicts. I wish you success in your presentation. Tom
July 7, 2023 at 4:15 pm
Hi Raoul,
It’s great to hear from you! I hope you’re doing well.
Thank you for sharing those interesting facts about AI and the CCP’s increasing hostile activities to the rest of the world. It’s important to be aware of these threats, and I appreciate you helping to raise awareness.
I agree that we need more people like Palmer Luckey who are willing to stand up to the hostile powers. His work is incredibly important, and I’m glad that he’s using his platform to speak out against the abusive powers.
Please keep up the good work!
July 7, 2023 at 4:19 pm
Good Morning Raoul , TGIF I’m Glad to hear we got more geniuses on our side ( Thank God ) 🙏🌎🇺🇸🙏
July 10, 2023 at 2:03 pm
Raoul….I have been on the hunt for a guest speaker at our Rotary Club on AI-specifically the impact on AI/Chat on our school kids…I now have one confirmed for Wednesday August 9th….I would be great to also hear about AI’s use in art/music and other creative area’s…..our Rotary club is small – anywhere between 10 to 24 show up for a lunch meeting depending on what is going on with the schools as we have many members connected to education….we meet Wednesday’s at Noon – South Hills Country Club in West Covina – one mile south of I-10/Citrus off-ramp….are you interested & available – would include a free lunch as they say?…..August 13th would be great for us…..Let me know…..DLS
July 10, 2023 at 2:10 pm
I need to think about this.
July 10, 2023 at 2:03 pm
Hi Raoul, Is there a charge for the AI AI O Class? We saw Ernie Delfin on Sunday, and are going to Rosarito Club Rotario next weekend for a fundraiser for the Childrens Orphanages there.
Blessings, Brother Chuck
July 10, 2023 at 2:10 pm
It’s a Billion Million Dollars!
Nah! It’s free!
July 10, 2023 at 2:04 pm
You didn’t state what time it will be.
July 10, 2023 at 2:09 pm
2pm July 16
July 10, 2023 at 2:07 pm
My one-year-old great granddaughter played with my computer before I had a chance to read today’s TGaif, and now I can’t find it. Would you please send me another copy. Thanks.
July 10, 2023 at 2:08 pm
Raoul, just ignore this previous email. My daughter recovered TGIF, which was quite interesting — a lot to think about. I loved both videos. L