Home Raoul's TGIF Futurisitic Christmas Joke

Futurisitic Christmas Joke

Raoul’s Two Cents: December 17, 2021

A Little Christmas Song

Did I tell you that I often have music in my dreams? Sometimes the music plays like a broken record. You know, like a favorite song you can’t get out of your head?
A few weeks ago, I watched “The Chorus Line” and I think it influenced my dream. I woke up with this jazzy Christmas music to a beat similar to Ray Charles’ “Hit the Road Jack.” This song is based on the few bars I remembered. It’s still pretty crude (missing some rhymes, going out of cadence, etc.) but I thought I’d share it before we pass the holiday season. I hope you like it. It’s about a type of Scrooge who encounters a little boy.

It’s the sign of the time

It’s the sign of the time … it’s happiness coming!
It’s the sign of the time that can’t be ceased.
It’s the sign of the time for holiday shopping.
It’s the sign of the time that Christmas is near.

Oh dear, Oh my, I wanna cry. I wanna be miserable ‘til I die
So I gotta stop this jubilation I‘m gonna shout for all to hear.

Will you stop your singing and dining? Can’t you be like selfish me?
All that laughing, kissing and hugging, makes me wanna puke internally.

Backup Singers:
Don’t wanna sing! Don’t wanna dance!
Don’t wanna be happy happy happy just pity me!
Don’t wanna sing! Don’t wanna dance!
Just wanna be crappy crappy crappy poor lonely me.

(Loud angry adlib then it slows down)

But wait! I see a little lad coming.
In his hand’s a box for meeeeee?!?!
No! (doesn’t he know?) I’m not s’pposed to sing!
I’m not s’pposed to dance!
Don’t wanna be happy happy happy woe to me.

(The beat changes to slow innocence)

Little Boy:
I live across the street. I was hoping that we’d meet.
I hope you like this toy. It’s made with love and joy.
A recycled plastic bottle. With plastic spoons and forks.
It’s just a little puzzle. To make you smile of course.

Scrooge: (dumbfounded)
Oh dear Oh my. What should I do?
I wanna be miserable but how can I?
Cuz (now) I wanna sing! I wanna dance!
I’m overjoyed and happy happy happy deep inside!
Now I wanna kiss! I wanna hug!
Feeling warm and fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy I cannot hide!

It’s the sign up the sky … that Christmas is coming.
It’s a glorious time to be alive.
‘Ts the season of giving, loving and caring.
Merry Christmas to allllll … including me.
Merry Christmas to allllll …. including me.

In these times of growing hate, selfishness and bitterness, it’s good to remember that goodness, love and mercy are just as infectious. Merry Christmas!

TGIF people!


Joke of the Week

Thanks to Peter Paul of S Pasadena, CA. for this joke.

Artwork by Raoul Pascual

Video of the Week
Thanks to Rodney of Manitoba, B.C.

Parting Shots to remind us of the goodness in people
Thanks to Rodney of Manitoba. B.C. for these pictures.

Thanks to Peter Paul of S Pasadena, CA

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  1. Christy

    December 18, 2021 at 3:42 pm

    Great song Raoul!!


  2. Heather

    December 18, 2021 at 3:42 pm

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to all. And to all. A good night.


  3. Tom

    December 18, 2021 at 3:43 pm

    Thanks Raoul. This is one of your best issues. Tom of Pasadena


  4. Ed

    December 18, 2021 at 3:43 pm

    Very uplifting… in particular, the acts of kindness…


  5. Chuck

    December 18, 2021 at 3:46 pm

    Hi Raoul,

    Hope all is well with you this Christmas Season. Have you ever had the opportunity to drive by the Nativity Scenes on Euclid Ave in City of Ontario? My Uncle Rudy Sculpted them and they have been displayed every year since 1958. They are on display now and are worth the drive. Euclid is a large boulevard with a big center meridian, and that is where they are displayed. Here is the website:


    Or you can simply Google it. Tio Rudy carved them at his studio in East Los Angeles on Whittier Blvd. near Indiana. The figures are life size. Share and let me know what you think.

    Merry Christmas.

    Brother Chuck


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