Home Raoul's TGIF Why Sentence Structure and Punctuation Are Important

Why Sentence Structure and Punctuation Are Important

December 15, 2017
Far From the Madding Crowd

I am safe back home in Southern California, USA. Boy, does it feel good!

It’s almost midnight and I still need to write this article. But my mind is tired and sleepy. I just arrived home from my Thursday B.S. group. So I am struggling to gather my thoughts.

Where do I begin my story of Nigeria?

I need to sleep even for just a few minutes.

I will write an article about this trip in www.Travelingboy.com. For now, just know that I am safe.


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Good night! TGIF.

Why Sentence Structure and Punctuation Marks Are So Important

Contributed by Don of Kelowna, BC

Sentence Structure cartoon

TGIF Videos

funny video

Self Scare
Sent by Jackie of Whittier, CA

A very quick and funny video.


funny video

Top 50 Vine Scare Cams
Sent by Peter Paul of S. Pasadena,CA

I know it’s way past Halloween but if you want to see some funny reactions, here ya go —

WARNING: Some crude language.


Feel Good video

Animal Friends
Sent by Don of Kewlona, B.C.

Just a happy video collection of animals from different species who really like each other. We humans can learn from these creatures.


Parting Shot

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C. who provided this photo

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