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Tag Archives: politics

Paul Manafort’s Lawyer Kevin Downing is Yet Another Department of Justice Prosecutor Who Took a Spin Through the Revolving Door

Paul Manafort’s lawyer Kevin Downing

Here’s Where We’ve Met Him Before – And What It Tells Us About The Swamp Birds of a feather. Ever notice the gravitational pull that brings sleaze together in the legal world, how those of similar ilk find each other? Sure, everyone’s entitled to a defense, but too often the ethics of high profile, highly connected power clients dovetail with …

When the Spirit is Willing: Religious Leaders Condemn Graham-Cassidy

John McCain Votes on Healthcare by Nancy Ohanian

The Graham-Cassidy attempt to hamstring the health care of millions– the latest fruit of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s eternal gift to democracy, the Citizens United accelerant of bribery– has flamed out. But the donors to bought-and-paid for members of Congress will not go quietly, not when their congressional minions have their tin cups out. Increasingly desperate to fill campaign coffers, the minions …

When John McCain Grappled with the Best Congress Money Can Buy

Trainwreck by Nancy Ohanian

Most recent plaudits for John McCain focus on flashes of character on his campaign trail when he condemned crazed birther and racist attacks on candidate Obama. I’d like to jump in the Way-back and travel to when McCain earned a “maverick” label. Give Senator McCain praise for his early efforts at campaign finance reform, done across the aisle with then-Senator Russ Feingold. It was …

Three Sad Truths Traveling to Europe Reveals About the U.S.

the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin

Increasingly, an American abroad is an American ashamed. Recently I visited Berlin and Warsaw – the former an established European capital, the latter lesser-known but equally sophisticated.  It was an opportunity to relax, speak grammatically incorrect German, devour pierogies by the dozen. But more than anything, it was a welcome respite from the nonstop circus American politics has become.  I …

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