Home Tag Archives: Roman Polanski

Tag Archives: Roman Polanski

Sunscreen Bans, Women Travel, Polanski’s J’Accuse

lady traveler at Dubrovnik

Beth Whitman is the founder of WanderTours and your (mostly) fearless leader... Not everyone is happy about Roman Polanski having a new film in competition in Venice — especially since the festival only has two women directors competing this year... Think the plastic straws you gave up sipping from are bad for our oceans? It’s time to consider the same about the sunscreen you use.

WanderTours, Polanski’s J’Accuse, Sunscreen Bans and Women Only Travel Escapes

a scene from Roman Polanski’s J’Accuse

Beth Whitman here. I’m the founder of WanderTours and am your (mostly) fearless leader. I escort groups on most of our trips – the exception being photography trips and yoga retreats where professionals are there to guide and teach you. After my first book was released, Wanderlust and Lipstick: The Essential Guide for Women Traveling Solo, women started asking me to bring them along on my travels.

Polanski’s “Cul-de-Sac”

Cul de Sac movie poster

By this viewer’s idiosyncratic standards, Cul-de-Sac (1966) is Roman Polanski’s sole brush with greatness, and the only feature to keep faith with the surrealist metaphors and perceptions of his celebrated short films. It’s his most bizarrely funny, as well as his most serious work.