WARNING: Religious content
There used to be a time when right was right and wrong was wrong. To steal was wrong. To fight for your country was right. To kill a child was wrong. To save a mother was right. Premarital sex was wrong. To come to the country illegally was wrong. Smoking and Coca Cola was right. The cops were good and the criminals were bad. Trust the priests and the teachers because they will protect your child. To be a lawyer and a politician you had to lie … well I guess not all things have changed.
Tom of Pasadena sent me this meme. I didn’t know if it was supposed to be funny but I realized how, just seeing this, would stir up strong emotions from anyone familiar with the Rittenhouse trial.

There are many reasons for this great divide in opinions. There are too many voices in mainstream and social media. We have become the angry voices that we listen to. And I think the 4 questions that run in many minds are these:
1) Who is talking?
2) Is he/she on my side?
3) What’s in it for me?
4) If I admit I was wrong will they call me stupid?
It’s a stark contrast from the Rotarian Four Way Test which is recited in the beginning of every meeting:
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
It is no longer TRUTH that we are seeking but fulfilling our self-interest and protecting our rights under the guise of the “greater good.”
But I guess I’m stating the obvious. You already knew this was happening. Is there any hope for us? Or are we doomed to destruction?
We are doomed!
Nah, just kidding. Of course there is hope. There is always hope. When the big scary balloon comes for us, we have a pin of truth to burst that over-rated bubble of hot air. Just make sure you have the truth. To be mature is to admit our mistakes and to be humble in triumph.
There is an important declaration in the 1st Chapter of the book of James. He said:
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
Did you get that? James says we are going through an elaborate Boot Camp that will prepare us for battle. (And you thought THIS was the battle … the real battle is coming, kiddo!).
The 1st century church was in deep doo doo; we are in 21st century doo doo. And James’ advice is just as timely. I encourage you to read the 1st Chapter of James. It has words of wisdom that are way too much to fit in this email. James tells us to pray for wisdom, listen more, not lose our cool, check our mirror for hypocrisy, etc. because if we do all that, we will be blessed no matter the circumstance.
Let’s have compassion for one another, seek the truth in humility (no matter where it may lead) and, by golly, the truth shall set us free.
But this is just me.
TGIF people!
Joke of the Week
Thanks to Peter Paul of South Pasadena, CA for this joke.

Parting Shots
Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA. for these sad/humorous commentaries about the rising price of gas.
(If you will notice these toons were done back in 2004. They had no idea about gas prices now).

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA. for this family photo.

Thanks to Peter Paul of S Pasadena

November 19, 2021 at 2:13 pm
Again, LOVED the entire issue. I especially liked the last joke. Because of Covid, my daughter now flies first-class when she comes to visit, so she’s no longer Worthless Riffraff.
Michelle and Jeannette just joined me in the kitchen, and they asked what I’m doing so early. I explained that I’m sending an email to you after reading TGIF. Jeannette said, “Of course you are. If he didn’t get one, he’d probably have to call us to make sure you’re OK.”
November 19, 2021 at 2:13 pm
Profound and very good writing. Good timing as well… reading about Greek philosophy = ‘love of wisdom.’
To steal is wrong, but I learned in Brazil that if you are a man who has been unable to find work for 3 years, and your children are starving; would you steal?
November 19, 2021 at 2:16 pm
The problem today is that unless you get all the information you cant make an intelligent decision.
In fact; All decisions are based on insufficient information ! And if you dont gather as much data as possible and you listen to the mob. And if you’re a Democrat, your mind was made up last year because of the media. Based on the info I’ve seen, Rittenhouse is innocent and he has SO MANY DEFAMATION SUITS ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY.
I love that MSNBC is barred from entering the court house! Over and out.
November 19, 2021 at 2:16 pm
Great issue Raoul.
Rotary Pledge is so important in today’s World. Thanks for these weekly reminders and words of Truth and Good Cheer.
November 19, 2021 at 2:17 pm
Thank you Raoul!
You always give the start of my weekend a lift!
November 19, 2021 at 2:17 pm
Hi Raoul,
Thanks for your TGIF again. Your words appear appropriate to me. By now, you have likely heard that Kyle R. was found not guilty on all counts. I agree with the jury’s decision.