Home Three Things About... Three Things We Didn’t Know About France

Three Things We Didn’t Know About France

Ed Boitano, Curator

Answers courtesy of ATOUT FRANCE.

What are some of the “things” or activities that French people do for fun?

ANSWER: In the South of France, the French play petanque. In the winter in the alps, many families go on holiday, especially in March, to ski and snowshoe. And the French enjoy the “art de vivre” [art of living], relax, cook, eat, spend time with family and drink wonderful French wine!
Photo courtesy: ATOUT FRANCE – France Tourism Development Agency

Photos courtesy: ATOUT FRANCE – France Tourism Development Agency

What’s one thing the public probably does NOT know about France?

ANSWER: That France is the size of Texas. France has 22 regions and 88 departments, and that a region could be compared to a state and a department to a county in the US system.

Photos courtesy: ATOUT FRANCE – France Tourism Development Agency

Share some aspect of France as regards to what it has contributed to the world.

ANSWER: The X- ray, the moving pictures, and hot air balloons were all invented in France by French citizens.

For further information about France, click-on: France.fr – Unexpected France by those who make it what it is.

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  1. Nadine

    October 5, 2022 at 9:13 am

    Was it Napolean who changed that most nations now drive on the left hand-side of the road.


  2. Ed Boitano

    November 6, 2022 at 2:19 pm

    Good question, Nadine. No. Napolean would have his army march on the right, for he was left-handed. Today, 70% of the world’s population drive on the right hand side of the road.


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