Home Raoul's TGIF Blonde Conversation

Blonde Conversation

Raoul’s Two Cents: January 12, 2024

Wearing Different Hats

How has your week been? Mine was very very busy. I was hit on all fronts — I had to wear several of my different hats: my technical hat, my artistic hat, my business hat, my counseling hat, my friendly hat, my not-so-friendly hat, my dog sitting hat, my diplomatic hat, my chef hat, my grandfather hat, hats … hats … hats. God has gifted all of us with so many “hats” and He challenges us to use the best one for specific situations. And, busy though I may have been, I find joy knowing that I have so many hats to choose from. Life is full and exciting.

This past holiday season I was looking for the movie “Chariots of Fire” but it was nowhere to be found (at least the FREE version). If you are not familiar, it’s the inspirational story of Eric Liddell and how he won an Olympic medal for an event he had never trained for.

Click on picture for a lengthy video about the real Eric Liddell

I wonder about this a lot. I often find myself in strange situations that I feel untrained for and rely on prompting from within. And It doesn’t only happen in major events. It happens even when driving: “Feel the force, Luke Skywalker … move to the second lane” and that lane miraculously turns into the faster lane .. oooooh!

Truthfully, I play games with the “prompting” … especially when “I feel His presence.” Sure, it may be just a coincidence when the results are amazing, but it’s still a rejuvenating feeling … a true blessing. “More of Him, and less of me” — that’s what I like to say.

This is all I really want to say. I’m too tired to think of anything else. I hope you can relate.

TGIF people.


“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world ” — Anne Frank


Thanks to Dan of Glendale, CA

Original art by Raoul Pascual.

Parting Shots

My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with this.


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