Raoul’s Two Cents: September 27, 2024
Dog Fight
Warning: Serious topic. Move on to the jokes if you’re not into this.
We brought our two corgis (Tonka and Tinker) to a dog swimming pool birthday party last Saturday. The usual gang of fellow corgis was there. The dogs, for the most part, got along with each other … smelling each other’s butt and sharing the latest dog jokes.
But there was one larger half-breed, a corgi-border-colllie mix who had a disproportionately large jaw. He was notorious for pushing his weight around. He already initiated fights between 3 smaller corgis so the others didn’t mingle with him too much. On the other hand, Tonka (a full grown gentle giant who essentially looks like a German Shepherd but with little corgi legs) was making lots of friends. Tonka is sociable and fears no one … not even the bigger dogs.
I was thumbing through my cell phone messages; when suddenly, an ear-piercing growl shattered the sound barrier. I heard my wife scream “Oh nooo!!!” In the middle of a pile of corgis were 2 dogs engaged in a battle to the death. It was our Tonka and the bully dog. The monster had locked its jaws on Tonka’s furry neck and pinned Tonka down. All the other dogs and their masters were staring shocked, helpless and useless. As I rushed closer, my wife grabbed the bully out by his shoulders and as she lifted it up, Tonka’s 45 pound body dangled helplessly underneath. The bully finally let go and was tossed aside. I saw Tonka visibly shaken and looking at me as if to say “What happened Dada? Did I do something wrong?” I cuddled Tonka in my protective arms. Then my wife embraced our precious Tonka while Tinker barked nonstop as if to say “are you alright big brother? Did that big dog hurt you?” We checked for any wounds. Tonka was shaken but he was fine. (Later my wife realized she got a long scratch on her shin.)
My wife was so upset she marched to the owner of the bully and said “that dog should be kept on a leash because this was the 4th incident of the day.” The owner was apologetic. The bully was quiet. The rest of the party was in shock. Needless to say, that was the end of the party. Everyone left in a bad mood feeling sorry for Tonka.
The owner of the bully dog must have known about the aggressive behavior yet didn’t do anything to correct it. We and the other dog owners knew there was a problem and we shrugged it aside as long as it didn’t get out of hand … as long as it didn’t affect us. It took a brutal attack to realize the simmering catastrophe of complacency.
Unless you’re totally oblivious of current events or you only watch one-sided news, you know that the world has been on a self-destructive path. Apparently, the craziness has trickled down to our pets.
In Tonka’s little world he will eventually learn to trust again and he will be back to his carefree self. In our human world, we may not be so lucky. This coming election is critical. It may make or break this nation. Let us shun complacency and sift through the false narratives, discuss the issues maturely (especially with those we don’t agree with), and vote the lesser of the two evils. And whatever the results (whether we progress or dive deeper into debt and crime), let’s be honest enough to admit we were right or wrong. Let’s not pretend that we were not aware of the consequences.
Here’s something to consider. If you prefer to vote in person, but have difficulties making it to the poll booths in the Greater Los Angeles Area, contact Ed, Travelingboy.com’s editor at
and you’ll be transported to and from at the time of your convenience at no cost.
But this is just me. TGIF people!
“Complacency is the last hurdle standing between any team and its potential greatness.” — Pat Riley
“Of all the things a leader should fear, complacency heads the list.” — John C. Maxwell
“Because you have raged against me and your complacency has come into my ears, I will put my hook in your nose and my bit in your mouth, and I will turn you back on the way by which you came.” — 2 Kings 19:28
Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Parting Shots
Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Thanks to Norm of Encino, CA

Thanks to Laer of Northern California

Thanks to Brian of Philadelphia

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Thanks to Drew of Anaheim, CA

Thanks to Benny of Detroit

I found these: