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Tag Archives: Christmas

2 Tips for Christmas

In September 21, 1897 an eight year old named Virginia O’Hanlon wrote a letter to the Sun (the leading New York newspaper of the day) asking if Santa Claus was real. One of the writer’s of the Sun reluctantly wrote a response in an article which arguably became the most reprinted newspaper article in the English language.

Christmas & Holiday Traditions Around the Globe

writer with host family siblings on Christmas

In Colonial America, Christmas was essentially a day of Spiritual observance. Carols were sung and church bells rang out to celebrate the commemoration of Christ's birth. Early Americans decorated evergreen trees with things from nature and homemade items. Christmas was a warm, family experience for Colonial America.

Darth Vader’s Christmas Power

After staying in Iligan City (an industrial town in the Southern part of the Philippines) for 3 weeks, I could really appreciate the simple things we Americans take for granted. Things like clean beautiful architecture, cemented roads, clean air, reliable internet access, free movie channels, reliable phone service, etc. We're really spoiled here in the U.S..

A Most Unexpected Christmas

I have one sister. I think when I was born my parents saw me and said they thought they could do better and so my sister was born and then they realized it was best if they stopped. Joking aside, my sister is amazing and funny. She worked for many years as an administrator for several doctors and when she came to visit she knew just what to bring. You have probably heard of Gummy Bears. She brought Gummy Organs. We put them in a bowl and doctors would come in just to get liver or kidney to munch on. She and her daughter came dressed as birds, feathers and all. It is a great story and I have written it for Traveling Boy in the past and you can read it. It is a fascinating story that started with a smashed bird.

Warm as the Dickens on Amelia Island

There is a phrase in old Victorian slang, nantynarking, which denotes great fun. The beaches of a Florida island are blooming with the sounds of nantynarking on this warm December afternoon as I make my way around the Dickens on Centretheme festival that's rocking beneath the palm trees.


Do You See preview

If you see a fat man... Who's jolly and cute, wearing a beard and a red flannel suit, and if he is chuckling and laughing away, while flying around in a miniature sleigh with eight tiny reindeer to pull him along...

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