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Tag Archives: dreams

Roll Call

I think I should stop reading the news before I go to bed. I had 2 consecutive nightmares last night. In the first one, I was pulled over by the police for driving in the wrong lane. I asked them to prove I was guilty but they couldn't. Then they asked for a bribe to go free. They weren't asking for much but this was a matter of principles. I threatened to call my lawyer. And that's when the real nightmare started because I was in this never ending loop of dialing my lawyer's number over and over again -- and the more I couldn't remember the number, the more they increased the bribe. I woke up out of frustration.

A Frog Goes to a Department Store

It's been my childhood dream to work for a creative company like Disney. I would spend hours tracing cartoons and memorizing strokes … marveling at the animation, the brochures, the books, the soundtrack of the things that came out of the Imagineering headquarters in Burbank. I was willing to work for free just to be an animator … but somehow I never got the breaks … I never found a mentor. The only one who taught me about work was my Dad who only had an ounce of art appreciation in his blood.