Home Raoul's TGIF Off Color Joke

Off Color Joke

Raoul’s 2 Cents

I Love Lucid

I’m no dream expert but I watched a video (Thoughty2) that explained what lucid dreams are about. The host said that you can actually tap a high potential of your mind when you reach that sleep stage. It’s the place where a fountain of ideas come from. It’s where the outliers in your thought patterns solve problems you could not otherwise accomplish in your waking moments. I hope that what I share today will make you aware of your hidden super power.

Most of the time, we don’t know we are dreaming. But there are golden opportunities when we do know. This explains why I’ve solved programming problems, composed songs, designed logos, remembered people and places when I was half awake. Ever since I watched that video I have been consciously looking out for that “lucid moment” (where I am conscious I am in a dream) and I try and solve problems or brainstorm with myself. Of course the biggest problem is remembering what transpired when I wake up. I do try to jot down these ideas in a little notebook.

Not all dreams are serious. I had a most enjoyable dream last night. I watched some clever and humorous animations just before I went to bed and that set the stage of my dream. I don’t remember a lot but the last dream sequence showed the importance of accents in a dramatic movie. In my dream, I was approaching God’s throne MGM style. There was a glorious choir of angels in the background. The clouds parted and this blinding light flashed in front of me. Then I heard a thundering voice with a strong Italian accent:
“Bow down!  I ema yo-ra Gaaad!”

That just killed the moment. And I couldn’t stop laughing. Why an Italian accent? I don’t know. It was my lucid mind who wrote the script. Isn’t it fascinating how our brains can keep the rest of our body in suspense?

Don’t miss your opportunity. Remember, Joseph interpreted the Pharaoh’s dream and he saved humanity. Martin Luther King Jr had a dream and changed American culture. What’s your lucid dream? Instead of molehills, why not climb the mountaintop?

TGIF people!


“Don’t put limits on yourself. Not every dream will come true, and not every dream is from God. But when your dreams connect with God’s plans, you’ll find open doors that you never thought you’d see.” – Max Lucado

“We are God’s masterpiece, created anew in Christ Jesus, so the good that He planned for us a long time ago may become our way of life.” — Ephesians 2:10

Joke of the Week

Thanks to Chuck of Whittier, CA for sharing this pun.

TGIF Joke of the Week: Today's Off-Color Joke

Video: Sophisticated Dancing Boy

Thanks to Mel of Washington, D.C. for this confident little fella.
He’s gonna break a lot of hearts when he grows older.

Video: VW Korea’s Flying Car

Thanks to Naomi of N Hollywood, CA for this sci-fi technology that blew my mind.
What’s really amazing is it’s already into production.
This is gonna give Tesla a run for its money.

The Latest In Personal Transportation. Can you imagine a million of these on the road? This is real. Prototypes have been delivered to several Asian countries. It’s made by VW in Korea. It will be in Europe and Asia by the end of 2022. In addition, it doesn’t use magnets….It uses ducted air jets.

Parting Shots

Thanks to Mel of Washington, DC

Parting Shots: Amish Stop Sign

Thanks to Debbie of Moreno Valley, CA
Not a joke but it makes you wonder what our pets are thinking.

Parting Shots: When You Don't Come Home

Another one from Debbie

Parting Shots: My Goal in Life

Last one from Debbie

Parting Shots: Dogs in Heaven

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Parting Shots: When You're Stupid

Last one from Tom of Pasadena, CA

Parting Shots: Rex and Bobbie


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