Home Raoul's TGIF The Poker Messenger

The Poker Messenger

Unfulfilled Super Kids

Lawrence is a Math wiz kid who hardly studied yet always topped the exams. This pattern followed him throughout his academic life … graduating at the top of his class.  Jun, another genius from another school, was the salutatorian of his high school batch. Rob was a terrible student yet he was a walking calculator. He could spit out the square root of a 7 digit number in a split second and he would come up with the answers to Trigonometric and Geometric equations before he could explain how he got the answers.

These three boys had very bright futures but sadly, Lawrence became a recluse; Jun dropped out of college because he didn’t see the need for it; and Rob hung out at the billiard tables where he got his affirmations. What happened? Do you have a similar story about people who “could have” but “didn’t?”

I have 3 theories. The first is “fear of failure.” Rather than fail at something, they’d rather not even try. This often happens with child actors and actresses whose peak started too early in life. Many could never live up to expectations especially because their every move was out in the spotlight. They were never free to grow up. The second is bad parenting. The parents didn’t direct their kids in the right direction. It’s not entirely their fault either. Maybe the parents just didn’t know how to raise a superstar.

A famous verse brings me to my third theory which is similar: that his parents never realized his real bent. A popular verse says it all.
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
— Proverbs 22:6

Many think this means “teach the child right from wrong so when he becomes an adult, he will live as a good citizen.” But actually, (and I invite my Jewish friends to please confirm this accuracy) it means parents should be sensitive to the child’s bent. What are his inclinations? More specifically, the parents should pray and ask God what His plans are for their child. Don’t force a child to become a high-salaried doctor when he was meant to be a dancer. How drab the world would be without gifted dancers.

I still need to gather my thoughts about this but we had a 2-hour power outage earlier this evening. It’s almost midnight and I have to launch this email out already. So I’m really rushing. Hopefully I made myself clear. And I am so so sleepy. See you next week.

This of course, is just me.

TGIF people!

At the Poker Table

Shared by Tom of Pasadena, CA

Poker Messenger cartoons

funny video

Shades of Abbott and Costello with Johnny Carson
Sent by Don of Kelowna, B.C.

Unless you were into politics in the 70’s you will probably not get the humor. Just know that this is similar to the Abbott and Costello act “Who’s on First” which I also feature below.


funny videoWho’s on First

One of the funniest comedy routines ever. Again, if you don’t know the names of the players … too bad.


Don’s Puns

From Don’s collection of puns

Don's Puns: Achilles' Heels

Parting Shot

Thanks to Rodney of Manitoba, B.C. who shared this photo

Parting Shot: Packaging Trash


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  1. Heather

    September 7, 2018 at 4:15 pm

    If you can’t recognize how unique you children are, I feel sorry for you. However, when people have children and they are still “child-like” and immature themselves, you end up with kids who fall off the map. Lots of kids are never diagnosed and have severe chemical and hormonal problems that will plague them all of their lives. And when you take into consideration the state of the world today, its not hard to see why so many people do not thrive. We all need to be nurtured and supported by family and the people in our lives and some of us are aware of this but most people are craving it and don’t even know where to begin. Loved the poker joke.



  2. Tom

    September 7, 2018 at 4:15 pm

    Good one Raoul, wonderful characterizations of the Poker Story. Child Rearing is an awesome opportunity to shape their futures.



  3. Julio

    September 7, 2018 at 5:53 pm

    I was laughing real hard watching those 2 videos.



  4. Rick

    September 7, 2018 at 5:54 pm

    Hi Bro,

    I enjoyed the Poker Messenger. A good way to start my weekend. Thanks Bro!



  5. Ritzi

    September 10, 2018 at 12:36 pm

    Hi Raoul, How are you? It’s been some time. Hope all is well. 🙂

    I just wanted to drop you a line to say thanks for the TGIF. 🙂

    This one in particular is such good advice for parenting. And I liked the one about how he wraps his trash. 🙂

    Thanks for making my day!



    • Raoul

      September 10, 2018 at 12:38 pm

      Glad you liked the explanation of Deuteronomy. Understanding the Bible is a never-ending quest for truth. I hope you are doing the same. Get the most of your time here on earth.




  6. Ritzi

    September 19, 2018 at 6:00 pm

    I just wanted to drop you a line to say thanks for the TGIF. 🙂

    This one in particular is such good advice for parenting. And I liked the one about how he wraps his trash. 🙂

    Thanks for making my day!




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